I said a while back that I was gonna change my name due to my obscene displeasure with the final season but… nah. I’m Stamets. I love my lil gay boy and I love his lil gay family and I love the ship with the weirdly long nacelles.

  • @then_three_more
    8 months ago

    This is false.

    LD directly crossed over with SNW, so if LD isn’t canon then neither is SNW.

    Prodigy is brilliant so if it’s not canon what’s the point?

    • @[email protected]
      8 months ago

      Personally, I just look at all new shows as their own thing and only care if the canon is consistent within each show.

      I just can’t reconcile SNW bridge vs OS bridge. So it’s a multiverse or whatever. Who cares? It’s not like keeping canon consistent was that important to the old shows.

      Whatever happened with those brain slugs in TNG S1??

      • @then_three_more
        98 months ago

        If that’s your head canon go for it. Fact is though the animated works are just as canon as any of live action works.

        • @feedum_sneedson
          -148 months ago

          As weird as it sounds, it’s like I can’t accept it’s “real” because it’s animated, despite the fact it’s all fiction.

              • StametsOPM
                8 months ago

                Fact means true for everyone, an undeniable truth about reality. What you’re offering is an opinion. So no buddy. It ain’t a fact lol

                Like the title says, cope¯\_(ツ)_/¯

                • @_stranger_
                  38 months ago

                  I read this in Stamet’s (character) voice and then realized it was you that posted it and it felt extra right after that. 😁

                • @feedum_sneedson
                  8 months ago

                  Simple, real brain fact. Simple fact that it’s not a fact.

          • @ripcord
            38 months ago

            Bees. Bears. Battlestar Galactica.

          • @[email protected]
            18 months ago

            But you can accept the fact that the TV shows are “real” even though they’re just pixels on a screen changing colour? The fact that you can’t step through the screen and walk around the Enterprise because it’s actually just a sound stage in Toronto is completely fine with you, but the moment someone drew the Enterprise instead of building it out of plywood and furniture they bought at Structube, that’s when you drew the line and declared “No! No more! I will accept God like beings who alter reality at a snap of their fingers, but this, this I will not stand for!”?

            Because buddy, let me tell you, that’s a really, really weird hill to die on.

            • @feedum_sneedson
              28 months ago

              Yeah, I already acknowledged it was a little weird. Nevertheless, I am making my last stand here, on this non-existent hill. My brain can suspend disbelief for either, but apparently not within the same narrative universe. Is that called a digesis, or is that something else?