“We will institute the powerful death penalty for drug dealers, where each dealer is responsible for the death, during their lives, of 500 people or more,” he said.

"Mothers will never again be forced to watch their children overdosing in hosp … and we will never allow mothers to watch their child hopelessly dying in their arms screaming, ‘What can I do, what can I do? Help me God, what can I do?’ We are a nation whose once revered airports are a dirty, crowded mess,” Trump continued, pivoting suddenly.

“You sit and wait for hours and then are notified that the plane won’t leave, that they have no idea when they will. Where ticket prices have tripled. They don’t have the pilots to fly the planes, they don’t seek qualified air traffic controllers, and they just don’t know what the hell they are doing.”

“We will take over the horribly run capital of our nation in Washington, D.C., and clean it up, renovate it, and rebuild our capital city, so that it is no longer a nightmare of murder and crime. But rather it will become the most beautiful capital anywhere in the world,” Trump said.

“Right now, if you leave Florida, ‘Oh, let’s go, darling, let’s look at the Jefferson Memorial, let’s look at the Washington Monument, let’s go and look at some of the beautiful scenes,’ and you end up getting shot, mugged, raped,” he warned, promising that he’d run the city “tough and smart.”

Watch Here:



  • @[email protected]
    2768 months ago

    Watch how this story disappears within a day. But the trolls will still be talking about Biden in the debate until next January.

    • jwiggler
      1498 months ago

      Difference is, no republican cares if Trump is mentally fit to be president, nor will being mentally unfit cause him to lose the election.

      Democrats and Biden on the other hand…

      • Transporter Room 3
        378 months ago

        It gets old seeing the people with power continue to use it delicately so as not to upset people, while also not doing a goddamn thing about the opposition who FULLY abuses everything they can touch.

        It’s always the same thing

        One side speaks respectfully of the other

        one side doesn’t push hardline questions and issues when they know can get the other side to say something that shoots themselves in the foot

        One side tries to keep the peace

        One side treats people with kiddie gloves

        One side has reasonable policies and goals, or just simply doesn’t change bad ones

        The other side however, is constantly spraying a firehose of bullshit all over everything at every opportunity by constantly sabotaging the entire country in order to “one up” some imaginary opponent, actively calling for persecution AND prosecution of anyone who doesn’t fit their cookie cutter mould (that they themselves don’t need to fit into), punishes anyone for trying to make the country better, and has no qualms with lying, cheating, sabotaging, straight up committing massive amounts of felonies, all for no better reason than the infantile desire to be in opposition of something that helps another person.

        • @CleoTheWizard
          -68 months ago

          Please don’t misconstrue this but: This exact sentiment is why I didn’t really care that the left somewhat overreacted to the ruling about presidential immunity. I know that some of the things people spread about the results of that case just aren’t true. People immediately went hyperbolic with their reactions to the point of misinformation.

          Normally, I’d disavow that misinformation and get onto them about it. Instead I thought “this is how the left should be reacting, even if for some of the wrong reasons”

          And we can make an argument for not stooping down to the republicans level, but why wouldn’t we? Sitting on a throne of perfect correctness isn’t helping us. I’m not saying we go full anti-factual, but the time for criticism of your own side is when you can afford to lose. We cannot afford to lose.

      • @UnderpantsWeevil
        8 months ago

        no republican cares if Trump is mentally fit to be president

        This issue, in this case, isn’t mental fitness. Trump’s comments are right in line with what he was saying four, eight, and forty years ago.

        He loves the idea of lynchings as a tool of criminal justice enforcement, particularly when the lynchings target the political underclass. He loves the idea of accusing entire populations of violent criminality, particularly when those communities don’t support his political goals. And he loves the spectacle of it all - the pomp and circumstance of the courts leveraged against his opponents, the “beautification” of a gentrified neighborhood, and the fixation on tourism as an end goal of any socio-economic renovation.

        Republicans eat this shit up now, just like when they ate up Michael Bloomberg’s Disneyfication of downtown New York or the massive tourist traps that Nevada and Arizona and Florida has been turned into. Conservatives dream of living their lives in one big resort community, Donald Trump knows it, and this is his promise to do to DC what was done to so many other Reagan-Era cities and states.

        To say he’s mentally unfit would imply he wasn’t vibing right along with the tens of millions of white nationalist suburbanites who think the whole country should be a country club that pampers them 24/7.

        • @turmacar
          8 months ago

          The mental fitness question isn’t because of his view that we’re already in a Mad Max hellscape only he can lead the true believers out of.

          The mental fitness question is because he sounds like he’s having a stroke anytime he has to string together more than 2 sentences.

    • @[email protected]
      348 months ago

      Why would it disappear? Everyone’s talking about it, more and more every day. The Internet is exploding with demands for trump to step down.

    • @danc4498
      108 months ago

      That’s because democratic voters expect more from their candidates. Let the republicans put up this joke of a fascist. I expect better than Biden and Hillary Clinton and will be happy the day Biden drops out.

      And if he doesn’t, I will vote for him and bitch about the Democratic Party the same way I did in 2016.

      • @[email protected]
        8 months ago

        I’ll be doing the same. Unlike a lot of the people complaining here. Hopefully he wins and we can regroup over the next four years. If the no-voters learn their lesson from how close it can get, maybe we can work together over that time to get someone younger, and more effective. Until then- Biden is all we have to stop America from becoming a fascist dictatorship.

        Disclaimer: To the troll that follows me around accusing me of making blanket statements when I never do- note how I said “a lot” not “all.”

        • @danc4498
          -18 months ago

          I disagree that he is all we have. If he drops out before the DNC, that is plenty of time for his replacement and their VP pick to make an impact on the campaign.

    • @pyre
      -138 months ago

      there’s nothing trollish about it. first of all, i don’t understand why some liberals are crying so much about TFG fumbling and no one calling for him to drop out.


      his base? they love him and don’t care.

      his opposition? why? he’s a terrible candidate most people hate. why would his opposition want him to drop out? so that a less hated person replaces him and guarantees the republican win? you do know Clinton was the only person in the world who could’ve lost to him, and now Biden is trying super hard to be the second, right?

      the reason people are calling for Biden to drop out is because he’s polling unfavorably against TFG. the reason they’re not calling for TFG to drop out is because he’s a much hated person who would’ve surely and easily lost if only someone looking vaguely alive would run against him.

        • jwiggler
          8 months ago

          I believe the meme should say “approval rating at 35%”

          Edit: the OP corrected me below

          • bobburger
            148 months ago

            So the whole argument the poster is making is based on a general misunderstanding of what’s going on?

            • jwiggler
              8 months ago

              Approval ratings at the end of first term:

              • Harry S. Truman: 32%
              • Dwight D. Eisenhower: 59%
              • Lyndon B. Johnson: 49%
              • Richard Nixon: 24%
              • Gerald Ford: 53%
              • Jimmy Carter: 34%
              • Ronald Reagan: 63%
              • George Bush: 56%
              • William J. Clinton: 66%
              • George W. Bush: 34%
              • Barack Obama: 59%
              • Donald Trump: 34%
              • Joe Biden: 36%

              Idk dude, of the four below 40%, 3 of them did not see a second term.




              Edit: Anyone upvoting this comment is now cursed by my stupidity

              • Bob Robertson IX
                158 months ago

                Uh, what?

                Removing trump and Biden from the list, since one of them will see a second term, of the other 4 only Carter didn’t see a second term. Truman was only elected President once, but he served as President for almost 8 full years. Nixon won reelection, but resigned before his second term was out.

                And even if you go as far as saying that 3 of the 4 didn’t serve 2 full terms… I think it’s highly unlikely either of the 2 current candidates will see the 2028 election.

                • jwiggler
                  58 months ago

                  Yeah I’m just an absolute idiot, that is what’s going on with that comment lmao. You’re right

                  Still, if you are comfortable with where Biden’s campaign is at this point, if you’re confident that he can win given his current approval and polls…you’re at least lot more confident than me, and a lot more confident than many democratic lawmakers

                  • Bob Robertson IX
                    48 months ago

                    I’m neither comfortable nor confident… but even if Biden were a corpse I would still be voting against trump.

              • @[email protected]
                8 months ago

                Are you suggesting that the GoPs bogeyman was tied for third-most popular president?

              • @[email protected]
                08 months ago

                And it’s relatively meaningless because a lot of Americans are forced to vote, every fucking election for their entire adult life, for the lesser evil.

          • bobburger
            228 months ago

            That’s 36%, not 35%. According to the link you shared overall Biden is polling about 40%, 2.2% behind Trump.

            That also shows Trump at 36%, so polling at 36% is pretty good for that tiny subset of the poll you shared.

            Here’s a link to the entire poll that you decided not to share for some reason.

            Interestingly enough the headline for the poll you didn’t link is “Only Michelle Obama bests Trump as an alternative to Biden in 2024”. I wonder why you went out of your way to obfuscate that.

            • @[email protected]
              28 months ago

              Sure, that’s the narrative they went with, but notice how they’re all on about equal ground with Biden and, unlike Biden due to his mental decline and his administration’s lacking ability to communicate, might actually be able to run a coherent campaign if given the chance. Voters are overwhelmingly voting for Biden because he’s not Trump. Any one of those candidates can both clear that bar and bring something to the table that actually motivates voters.

              • bobburger
                08 months ago

                I appreciate the good faith response rather than FUD and dismissive memes.

                I agree with all of your concerns about the Biden administrations lack of communication and his age. However I disagree that any of those candidates are particularly exciting, they all have pretty much the same national and forgein policies Biden, they’re just younger.

                At this point being not Biden might be exciting enough for some people. Whoever the candidate is they’ll still have the general DNC baggage turning of black voters. They’ll have the same support for Israel turing of the anti-Israeli voters. Plus they’ll have whatever individual baggage they have that most voters don’t know about.

                Also we have no idea how they’ll perform in a national debate or how successful they’ll be at campaigning. Running a presidential campaign is a completely different monster than a state race.

                I don’t disagree that an alternative to Biden needs to be considered, but I don’t see a clearly better candidate out there or a way to replace Biden that won’t cause even more problems for the DNC.

                • @[email protected]
                  8 months ago

                  I’m not saying they bring anything to the table that Biden doesn’t, except maybe being able to avoid his reputation of going around congress to support Israel, but that goes both ways as Biden does have supporters that also support Israel and if Republicans attack a candidate’s non-support, I don’t expect a democratic candidate to play much defense for Palestine to bring those people back around.

                  I’m saying that Biden is unable to campaign and make voters aware of what he brings to the table and what he has done to make things better for the average American. Especially in the direct time after COVID.

                  I guess if nothing else can be done then we’re about to watch the DNC learn another lesson at the expense of the stability of our entire nation because, mark my words, he (and we) will not be able to win this fight. The voters cannot be blamed for the failings of the democratic establishment.

                  Even if he does win, the DNC will have learned that they can put anyone up and cede as much ground to the republicans as they want, as long as the other guy is worse, and I wouldn’t call that much of a democracy either. So I’d like to say that I hope I’m wrong, as I will be voting for Biden, but I really can’t argue against anyone sitting this one out either.

                  I might be able to make an argument if they put someone else up, if they give me points to argue for, and I expect that might be the case among voters like myself en masse that argue in good faith and don’t expect all the heavy lifting to be done via team-based politics and whataboutism. That is why I argue for democrats to do better even if time is running short. It’s honestly, in my opinion, the best we can realistically hope for.

      • @[email protected]
        18 months ago

        Sure, convince the DNC that a progressive should be on their ballot, so we can vote for them and not waste it instead of senile men fighting for scraps.

        The system needs to be gently brought to its knees before we can remove its head.

        • @TropicalDingdong
          -198 months ago

          Mockery is the most effective way to beat Blue Maga (imo). We need to show how embarrassing it is to be associated with them.

          • @[email protected]
            78 months ago

            And calling out the propagandists for their inability to understand the simplest concepts of politics, and their blatant misinformation is the most effecting way to beat MAGA trills.

            How many of you get your posts removed for misinformation? Check the mod logs bud. Because from where I sit- the people urging everyone to vote get only their shit removed for bing uncivil and aggressive towards the propagandists urging people not to-

            whereas the propagandists get their shit removed for misinformation. CONSTANTLY.

            • @TropicalDingdong
              8 months ago

              You are the propagandist kiddo, or rather, you are that whom have been so heavily propagandized to, you’ve lost your connection to reality; so from your perspective, everything that disagrees with your world view appears to you to be propaganda, because your connection to reality has been effectively severed.

              And specifically thing thing that got called “misinformation”? It was an ground up analysis I did looking at Bidens probability of winning given his current approval rating. I can repost it if you like.

              And guess what?

              That analysis predicted this exact moment.

              • @[email protected]
                8 months ago

                It’s unbelievably funny to me how you people cite “analytics” and polls to support your bullshit where you’ve been told time and again that that shit can say whatever you need it to say to support an agenda/argument, or in the case of news media- PROFIT.

                Congrats man. You’re the reason you’re getting the news that supports your own beleif. Crazy, right? I know! Bonkers!!!

                Everyone needs to vote like polls don’t exist. Plain and simple.

                • @TropicalDingdong
                  -118 months ago

                  “You people”

                  People like Nancy Pelosi or Adam Schiff?

                  Bro you’ve gaslit yourself into a fantasy land and you just live in denial.

                  • @[email protected]
                    8 months ago

                    Says the person that thinks doing nothing will bring change. I’ve asked you people this before and they always run away…

                    I’ll ask again. If you answer, it’ll at least be interesting, if you don’t- I get to not have to interact with you- either way, I win. So here goes:

                    When in history has doing nothing ever brought desired change in an election.

                    I await your strawman.

          • @TokenBoomer
            8 months ago

            I listened to a podcast yesterday that said the same thing. Most of us were conservative/liberal at some point. What started to change our minds? Many change when our views are mocked by their wider social circles. Maybe not at once, but eventually.