• @[email protected]
    428 months ago

    There’s some growth. I have a friend who I almost lost after he voted for Trump the first time. His excuse was the whole propaganda drain the swamp, and businessman running the country thing. He hates Trump now too and has since gone more toward the middle and Def stopped being and voting for reds. Baby steps.

    • @TallonMetroid
      328 months ago

      See, I never got the whole businessman thing. Like, Trump’s claim to fame in that area was that he’d driven his businesses to bankruptcy like 5 different times and had to get bailed out? And you want this man to be in charge?

      • @[email protected]
        8 months ago

        Yea anyone with half a brain would realize it but people just saw he was rich and said he’s a businessman and never bothered to check.

        It’s actually why people always call me smart, I don’t think I’m particularly smart but I always ask why and always take an extra step to check things out where most people would just take things at face value.

        • @rekorse
          8 months ago

          Honestly I think he won because he said he was going to not be a politician. People hate politicians and were happy to put someone in who was naive to all of it and who said he would fix all the corruption.

          And then he went on to be a horrible human being on a day to day basis, usually via Twitter, was more corrupt than nearly anyone before him, and the only swamp he drained regularly was his own staff who he threw under the bus constantly.

          I think he will lose this time because he already showed he won’t do any of that. He hasnt even mentioned it this time has he.

          • @ChronosTriggerWarning
            78 months ago

            Well, this is just anecdotal, but my family members all voted for him because we had a hard R in the Whitehouse for 8 years and they were pissed about that.

            • @rekorse
              28 months ago

              Took me way too long to figure out ehat you meant there with the hard r, and thats wild. Unfortunately, and I dont mean this directly for your family, but I have a strong feeling racism has to just die off. I’m not convinced its possible to fix someone’s ideas about that after say 30 years of it or whatever.

              I have to ask though, do they just hate all Democrats, and being black was the easiest thing to target? Or maybe they see the party as intertwined with minorities.

              • @ChronosTriggerWarning
                18 months ago

                They’re stereotypically Republican: old, white, fearful of anybody with melanin and blame the left for everything. They’ll say “we hated Obama for eight long years” and when you ask why? What did he do that you hated so much? “We’re not racists!!!1!” Like, ok? That’s not an answer.

      • @[email protected]
        18 months ago

        I’m sure too many low information voters his claim to fame was simply his name on big buildings and the TV show where he played the business guru judging everybody.

    • @sgtgig
      238 months ago

      I hear this a lot. It’s what gets me about the polling for this election being so close - in the last eight years, who has Trump actually attracted? Who exists that is like “I voted for Hillary and Biden, but I won’t be fooled again!”

      The learning really seems to go one way.

      • @[email protected]
        148 months ago

        I lose sleep over this as well. There is a lot of evidence to suggest the polls are just wrong. Republicans have a long and consistent string of bad election losses since 2016. But still… In 2020 Biden was up in national polls and barely won. So if the same methodology is showing him down then what gives?

      • @rekorse
        108 months ago

        I think its because a lot of people who are voting for biden are not answering polls.

        I get messages about these polls daily now and its annoying AF. But I never answer them ever. I know a bunch of people my age in my community won’t answer them either.