• @PunnyName
    92 months ago

    Oh, hey, stop that.

    Fuck Texas

    • @TexasDrunk
      2 months ago

      Are you offering? Because I’m drunk enough to try some shit tonight!

      Seriously though, I like Texas. I like the scenery, the people I currently surround myself with, the food, the night life, the local music, and about a million other things about it. A lot of Texas is genuinely really cool.

      I fucking hate the small towns like the one I grew up in and the fucking politicians. I hate the voter suppression and apathy. I hate the people who traumatize others for not being “normal”, whatever the fuck that is. A lot of Texas is genuinely really fucking shitty.

      All that being said, I totally get the sentiment because y’all don’t get to see the cool shit. The people stuck in the shitty little towns don’t generally get to see the cool shit. And the politicians are trying to do away with a lot of the cool shit.

      • @PunnyName
        72 months ago

        I’d prolly move back if it weren’t for the generations of assholes. I grew up in a suburb of 150k+, and I do miss the weather. But fuck, it’s so backwards!

        • @TexasDrunk
          52 months ago

          I don’t blame you. It’s definitely not for everyone and not everyone can find their tribe here without a lot of work that not everyone can put into it for various reasons. On top of that, did I mention the shitty politicians?

          It’s just not the same since you went away. And the Mexican food sucks north of here anyway </bowling for soup>

          • @PunnyName
            32 months ago

            I did go to LA, so I’ve got that going for me (despite my renewed homelessness). Taco trucks galore!

            • @TexasDrunk
              32 months ago

              Ok, you’ve got good Mexican food at least.

              I’m so sorry about your renewed homelessness. I wish I could help but I’m very drunk and currently I’m helping the victims of Beryl.