The first pinned post can be found here:

That’s where all the engagement and comments can be found, and I’d encourage everyone to participate there.

The reason for THIS post is to direct everyone there.

I’m getting multiple reports that some people can’t see it for some reason. Could be Federation, could be they blocked the user who posted it.

Here’s hoping you all can see THIS one and move over to where everyone else is engaged.

  • GladiusB
    118 months ago

    Why would Trump losing incite civil war? Who is going to take any weapons from anyone? Who is going to enforce the law? They aren’t going to fight themselves. They want a civil war and they want the Dems to just make one mistake to cause it.

    There is no way to say that there will be that many of them. There will be a few. But nothing on a scale of civil war. That’s some dumb neck beard fantasy. If the Dems win it will be ok. Until the next 4 years.

    • @jordanlundOPM
      138 months ago

      Trump losing would throw the “stolen election” nonsense into overdrive. Hence the civil war.

      • GladiusB
        78 months ago

        I hear that. But who is going to enforce it? The cops? The army? I don’t see that happening. They would attack themselves.

        • @grue
          48 months ago

          Every fascist movement has its paramilitary. Hitler had his Brownshirts, Mussolini had his Blackshirts, and Trump has his Redhats.

          • @maniii
            18 months ago

            Please dont involve Redhat in this mess.

            These ae Crimson Caps.

            • @grue
              48 months ago

              Sorry, but IBM bought it so it’s evil now. I don’t make the rules.


              (Whether I’m still talking about WWII or more recent shit IBM did is left as an exercise for the reader.)

              • @maniii
                18 months ago

                IBM stopped being relevant since the PC days. The moment the IBM exec who claimed that the market has in-demand for only “5-Mini computers”, IBM lost the plot a long long time ago.

                Right now, IBM is mostly a holding corp. THey buy stuff, destroy it, and buy more stuff. Most of IBM innovations and engineers have moved on to other companies. IBM have zero or close-to-zero amount of real tech or IP. Most of it is just fluff and overblown BS.

                Redhat was already attempting being “like IBM” even before the buyout. But a lot of IBM techs were transferred over to Redhat.

                Redhat or IBM is just the lesser of evils. It is like blaming the Abacus maker or the calculator maker for the Nuclear Bomb.

        • @jordanlundOPM
          28 months ago

          It wouldn’t be the cops or the army, it would be his Proud Boys aligned supporters, a la the attempt to kidnap the governor of Michigan.

      • EleventhHour
        38 months ago

        Right, because that’s totally what happened last time

        • @jordanlundOPM
          68 months ago

          It really was close last time.

          You look at the fake electors scheme, the attempt to kidnap the governor of Michigan, and January 6th… those are all opening shots in a civil war.