The first pinned post can be found here:

That’s where all the engagement and comments can be found, and I’d encourage everyone to participate there.

The reason for THIS post is to direct everyone there.

I’m getting multiple reports that some people can’t see it for some reason. Could be Federation, could be they blocked the user who posted it.

Here’s hoping you all can see THIS one and move over to where everyone else is engaged.

  • @[email protected]
    568 months ago

    Please please please can we stop the conspiracy theories from blowing up in this thread? Can we not act like them?

    • @jordanlundOPM
      658 months ago

      Conspiracy theories aside, I’d like to see people mocking the injury with little red ear clips, just like these assholes mocked John Kerry with purple heart band-aids:

        • @jordanlundOPM
          38 months ago

          Because they need to be mocked.

      • El Barto
        18 months ago

        Nah, man. Why step down to their level?

        • @[email protected]
          178 months ago

          Because “when they go low we go high” was a stupid strategy, and not only did it not work, but it paved the way for Trump to win.

          Making rhetoric that connects with the idiots and bigots in America who are old enough to vote is, annoyingly, a required part of political campaigns here, especially if your intent is to peel any of those votes away from populist candidates. It’s just social engineering.

          • @Omega_Man
            08 months ago

            Yeah but the flyover states don’t matter.

            • @dragontamer
              38 months ago

              Eyes on the prize.

              Arizona, Michigan, Pennsylvania, Georgia.

              They’re not quite “flyover states”, but they’re less liberal than you might hope.

        • @[email protected]
          98 months ago

          “He who fights with monsters might take care lest he thereby become a monster. And if you gaze for long into an abyss, the abyss gazes also into you.”


    • GladiusB
      -78 months ago

      I don’t think it’s a conspiracy theory to think that the actor turned politician decided to act like he was getting shot for attention. He’s a reality show host that says shocking things. I don’t think it’s a far stretch to say he would fake an assassination attempt when it’s in every other movie in Hollywood. This is in his wheelhouse.

        • GladiusB
          -178 months ago

          There very well could be bullets. One person died. However, I don’t think it’s a far stretch to say he would sacrifice someone to gain what he wants to gain.

          He has been proven to manipulate with the Russians for the last election. Is it that big of a leap to think he would stage a dramatic scene for sympathy? Plus he walked away without any harm.

          • El Barto
            128 months ago

            Plus he walked away without any harm.

            Uh… I hate Trump and everything, but if someone made my ear BLEED, I wouldn’t exactly call it harmless.

            • GladiusB
              -98 months ago

              He walked away when a “bullet” hit him. Any other bullet is a major injury or death. Relatively speaking it’s harmless. He needs to “get over it”. His own words.

              • El Barto
                28 months ago

                Oh, I see what you’re doing now. You’re trying to turn his words against him. I can get behind that.

                But to reiterate, anything that makes you bleed is not harmless.

          • @mriormro
            38 months ago

            We are witness to a truly baffling idiocy…

              • @[email protected]
                8 months ago

                Oh my god dude this is exactly what right wing fuckwits are doing to make sure it was “definitely a radical gay woke leftist” wake the fuck up. You are indulging the exact same conspiratorial thinking and circular logic they do. You’ve decided what happened and are cobbling together “evidence” in the form of “it’s possible.”

                Get off your computer for an hour and go take a walk or something. Wait for actual information.

        • GladiusB
          -88 months ago

          Uh huh. You are selling that he’s that important and that people care that much. I don’t buy it. Go forth with your blind eyes. Mine see a better truth ;)

            • GladiusB
              -28 months ago

              How? I’m bitching about how someone else has control over my life? No. I just don’t believe some event is shaking out the way they wanted it to. It’s what half of America has been asking for. Including him.

              • @[email protected]
                8 months ago

                You did not say it was just shaking out the way they want it to. You were coming up with conspiracy theories for how it happened. Stop playing dumb/innocent. We both know exactly what you’re doing and it is insulting that you think you can pretend it was anything else.

                • GladiusB
                  -18 months ago

                  I am not coming up with it. It’s been said since it’s happened. Because he’s a grifter that no one trusts and it’s in his character to lie. Maybe try not being a douchebag and people will care if you are shot at and not think it’s another grift 🤷

      • @elbucho
        118 months ago

        So walk me through how that conversation goes in your head. Trump is just this side of senile, so he definitely couldn’t have come up with a convoluted plot involving his attempted assassination, so it 100% would have had to be a suggestion of someone else. So let’s walk through the conversation that must have happened for this to have been a fake assassination attempt.

        “So Mr. Trump, I think that the best thing to do to ensure you’re going to win the next election is to have someone shoot very near you. Maybe the bullet will graze you, maybe it’ll hit the teleprompter and send shards of glass your way. But either way, it’ll be a very close thing, and you’ll suffer a minor injury along the way.”

        Do you honestly think that Donald Trump, the guy who got out of the draft because of bone spurs, the guy who gets queasy at the sight of blood, the guy who has spent the last 2 months talking about how he’d cling to a battery to get electrocuted instead of taking his chances with a shark, would be ok with being shot at? Seriously?

        Because if that’s what you think, you and I don’t occupy the same universe.

        • @thesporkeffect
          08 months ago

          Be creative. Let’s say you are a decision maker in Trump’s orbit. You think now is a good time to do something big to fire up your base.

          Do you tell trump and risk bad acting or do you set it up without his knowledge? I believe the injury is genuine but that doesn’t rule out the idea that the situation was set up to have a minimal chance of permanent injury to the candidate while giving him incredible PR and the chance to look strong.

          • @elbucho
            8 months ago

            I think that the idea that it was faked is so outlandish that it would require a good amount of evidence before the prospect could even be considered in serious conversation. There is zero evidence that it was faked. By far the most likely explanation is that someone who had a bone to pick with Donald Trump, and who was not particularly skilled at making shots 150 yards away climbed up onto a roof and grabbed the opportunity that lax security provided.

            You start throwing in conspiracies about how it was an inside job, and everything becomes so much more complicated, logistics-wise. Complicated plots do happen, but to suggest that was the case here with zero evidence is laughable.

            • @thesporkeffect
              28 months ago

              I ain’t saying I believe this. I think it has a low but non zero plausibility level. It’s also not ‘faked’, my hypothetical is a real guy really shooting at trump but with the scenario manipulated to limit permanent damage or death of the candidate.

              It’s more believable than a full faked assassination attempt with fake blood, given the proximity of bystanders and cameras.

        • GladiusB
          -68 months ago

          I would think the smartest play would to be near him say 10 yards where it would “look” close enough. Actually take out the sacrifice. But then go down and act as hit with a blood pack or cut himself on the ear when he was on the ground. The graze is just an illusion. Kind of like the bullet catch trick if you are familiar with magic tricks.

      • @TrickDacy
        78 months ago

        There aren’t sufficient words to describe the lack of intelligence in this comment.

      • Sentient Loom
        38 months ago

        someone died, plus the shooter. At least one other attendee was injured.

  • @cyd
    8 months ago

    Whelp… Biden was insistent on running, now the Monkey’s Paw has answered. All the other plausible Dems who could have stepped in to replace Biden will be running for the hills, and being the Democratic nominee is gonna be the worst job in politics for the next four months. And at the end of the campaign he gets to be remembered by history as the loser in the worst landslide election since Reagan-Carter.


    • Sonia Sotomayor’s decision not to retire during Biden’s term is looking like yet another D own goal. Very real prospects for a 7-2 Supreme Court.

    • We’re going to be seeing an orgy of foreign governments jockeying to cultivate relations with Trump. Official US foreign policy is going to be dead in the water, and NATO and G7 will be leaderless, until next year.

    • Trump is going to have an iron grip on the Republican party now, to an even greater extent than before. On various issues where other Republicans held positions contrary to Trump’s, they’re going to be brushed aside.

    • For the above two reasons, Ukraine is pretty well fucked.

    • @ProtecyaTec
      498 months ago

      Democrats aren’t just jumping ship over this bullshit. The actual voters, the people, not the talking heads, are pretty entrenched in Not Trump. Votes aren’t changing over this, and the Democrats know what’s at stake. At the end of the day there’s more blue than red and it was an L for Trump as soon as he said he was running.

      • @Sanctus
        278 months ago

        And the end of the day I dont give a shit that he got shot. So did 50. Its not changing my vote. He’s been calling for violence and got some. I worry this will cause more political violence.

        • @[email protected]
          48 months ago

          This is absolutely going to yield more political violence. And that’s something Trump has been trying to make happen for a while now.

          In that context, and also considering he was deep into the professional wrestling for a while, I wouldn’t be entirely shocked if at least some of this was staged. This whole bit in particular seems super fishy. Like… how in the fuck did the secret service detail not coordinate overwatch with the cops, or just do it themselves?

          • @dragontamer
            8 months ago

            Urban warfare is well known to be incredibly complicated for this reason. There’s just too many buildings (and even if there’s just one building: too many windows a shooter could be looking out of).

            We’re lucky that this punk-ass kid wasn’t a trained marksman. 300 meters isn’t an easy shot, but its something a trained person would do regularly with an AR-15 and the right equipment. (Even on the first shot: today’s rangefinders are very good and its not so hard to compensate for bullet drop and other effects).

            In any case, the range and difficulty of the shot makes it unlikely that this kid was going for anything aside from a straightforward assassination attempt. You’re just aiming for center-of-mass at these ranges.

              • @dragontamer
                8 months ago


                A martyred Trump only makes the MAGA movement bigger and stronger than ever before. Trump is just a symptom of this problem, and I worry about the coming years. I look forward above and beyond just one 78-year-old loser dumbass.

                The MAGA threat is here and persistent. Its better for us that MAGA is still coalesced around Trump today and that we can still fuck up Trump’s reputation / ideology before he dies.

                But actually killing Trump? That gives the movement the momentum they need to carry on for decades. A grazed piece of glass on Trump’s ear is fine. We can still politically work with this, though the MAGA has gained an edge this week in politics, this sort of thing can be forgotten before the election (much like Pelosi’s hammer attack or Gabby Gifford’s headshot).

                Trump will likely milk this situation for all that its worth and exhaust the oxygen in the room.

                The real issue is that Democrats haven’t solidified upon a plan yet. I suggest we either support Biden fully or we push for Harris. The sooner we push for a choice the better things are for our votes.

                • @[email protected]
                  28 months ago

                  I genuinely think that this failed assassination attempt will end up helping Trump in terms of his chances.

                  If he had gotten killed, they’d swap in someone like DeSantis, and at that point the calls to replace Biden with Harris or Newsom or Whitmer or whoever else would become overwhelming, because DeSantis would wipe the floor with Biden - and DeSantis isn’t that good of a debater, nor is he terribly charismatic. If it was one of those vs DeSantis, I think the average low-info moderate-conservative-curious vote would be a LOT more likely to be swayed away from DeSantis.

      • @dragontamer
        8 months ago

        Votes aren’t changing but the Trump voter was severely demoralized before this.

        Trump’s debate performance was fucking awful. Yes, Democrats are worried about Biden for good reason, but Trump won no favors during the debate.

        This event has galvinized Trump and even given him a photo-op that makes it look/feel like he was ordained by God himself. I shit you not, that’s what people will be praying for and seeing today now that its Sunday. If you know anything about conservatives, that’s whats going through their head today on Sunday.

        With that, a lot of them will see it as their holy duty to vote Trump in November. Expect record turnout. We will need to do everything to drum up the anti-Trump vote now to keep up with them.

        • @ProtecyaTec
          38 months ago

          You’re not wrong. Here’s hoping the Dems show up in droves as well

    • @[email protected]
      318 months ago

      I always used to wonder how the Weimar Republic fumbled the ball so hard. Now I know.

      Also, in Christian eschatology, isn’t it a big deal that the Antichrist suffers a near fatal head injury before his ultimate victory?

      • SuiXi3D
        308 months ago

        Also, in Christian eschatology, isn’t it a big deal that the Antichrist suffers a near fatal head injury before his ultimate victory?

        No, because everything in that damn book is made up and doesn’t matter.

      • Yeather
        18 months ago

        To be fair this wasn’t near fatal. This was a graze at best.

        • @dragontamer
          8 months ago

          Its not even a graze.

          It turns out it was glass that exploded somewhere and shards that hit Trump. The bullet never got close. The kid was a terrible shot (thank goodness for that. A Trump martyr would be even worse than the current situation IMO).

          300m with an AR15 isn’t too difficult, but it does take training and practice to consistently hit at that range. And the relative speed at which secret-service killed the kid proves that (the Secret Service marksmen returned fire accurately and precisely. A job well done on that front).

          We’re incredibly lucky this was a punk ass kid who didn’t know how to use his new toy. Then again, this all is much worse for Democracy anyway.

    • @aseriesoftubes
      218 months ago

      Sonia Sotomayor’s decision not to retire during Biden’s term is looking like yet another D own goal

      She’s 70. She can easily make it 5 more years.

      • @[email protected]
        8 months ago

        5 more years.

        Ohh, ho ho. Yes. 5 more years when we will have our…next election.

        • @[email protected]
          38 months ago



          If Trump wins, I don’t expect any national-level elections in the US will be actual, fair elections. And for red and purple-but-red-controlled states, that’ll also apply to state and local elections.

        • @EmpathicVagrant
          98 months ago

          Uhh 75 is kind of young, don’t you want someone with experience for president?

      • @Raiderkev
        38 months ago

        I believe I read somewhere she has some kind of condition that could impact her longevity though.

        • @jordanlundOPM
          38 months ago

          She’s diabetic, which doesn’t really mean much. My grandmother was a poorly controlled type 1 and lived to be 80 years old.

    • El Barto
      8 months ago

      All the other plausible Dems who could have stepped in to replace Biden

      STOP with this stupid rhetoric. If Biden steps down, it will be game over for the Dems.

      And no, Trump has no real chance to get back into the White House. Trump will lose. He already lost as a sitting president while trying to illegally stay in power. The fact that people keep forgetting this is beyond stupid.

      This incident will just encourage more people to vote. Good.

      • @cyd
        28 months ago

        Trump lost by around 50,000 votes in swing states, in the middle of a bungled pandemic response. In 2020, Biden was polling significantly higher than Trump; today he is polling significantly lower.

        All this before that picture of Trump fist-pumping after being shot, which is going to be widely juxtaposed against Biden’s inability to walk down 2-3 steps.

        I don’t know where this idea that Trump has “no chance” comes from.

        • El Barto
          8 months ago

          It comes from the fact that he lost to Biden while trying to cling to power illegally. And I didn’t say “no chance.” I said “no real chance.”

          People will vote in droves and Biden will win. And I don’t even like Biden. Come back here and mock me if that doesn’t happen.

      • @dragontamer
        8 months ago

        I give 50/50 odds that Harris can do about as well as Biden, the more I think about it.

        But there’s very few Democrats who can reasonably replace Biden today. And most of those do not have access to Biden’s fundraising (Harris does have access to that and gives her a huge leg up).

        I still think that Biden staying on to serve as a political shield for Harris… and then resigning in January is the best path forward for Democrats. Harris still has to deal with womanizers and racists. All the adults recognize that she’s the real President Candidate moving forward already, so its not like she needs to actually step into the political firezone.

        I’m leaning to 50/50 now because Harris feasibly could benefit from some kind of VP pick herself to shore up support. Or she could go down in flames as the racists / anti-women vote turns out against her. Hard for me to say, but its a feasible path IMO, if people really want to replace Biden to replace him with Harris.

        EDIT: However, the idea that Biden should resign for some no-name / non-existant Democrat who hasn’t stepped up despite 2016, 2018, 2020, and 2022, now 2024 elections is fucking nuts. Your mysterious secret savior doesn’t exist, and they’d never step up 3 months before the election to ruin their chances at 2028 anyway.

        • El Barto
          28 months ago

          I give 50/50 odds that Harris can do about as well as Biden

          Those odds are terrible.

          “Hey, take this gun. Point the gun in between your eyes, then pull the trigger. If the gun doesn’t fire, I’ll give you a million dollars. The gun has 50/50 odds that it will fail. Wanna play?”

          • @dragontamer
            8 months ago

            Yeah, which is why I prefer if Biden stays running. I honestly think he’s our best shot at defeating Trump. Even today.

            Do you think anyone else has a chance this late in the game? Has support begun to coalesce at any replacements yet? Its been a few weeks since the first debate. Who is stepping up?

            Harris is stepping up. I can say that, and there’s some favorable polls right now for her. And I think the Democrats can spin the story of “You’re worried about age, so we listened and gave our best / most reasonable response to the worries of the public”. I’m not sure if it’d work mind you, but its better than nothing and I judge it to be about the same as Biden finishing this campaign (then resigning after the election), which is the default choice.

            Harris could surprise me with a very good VP pick. Harris can inherit the entirety of Biden’s campaign as well. The unions likely aren’t going to be as happy with Harris as Biden but it’d be too late for them to withdraw their support. Etc. etc.

            • El Barto
              38 months ago

              At this point in the race, Biden staying is the best chance the dems have to beat Trump.

              After Biden takes the presidency, he can step down if he wants. But not before.

  • @paddirn
    378 months ago

    Of course they have to identify the shooter with his First, middle, and last name, as is tradition… and it was a 20 yr old registered Republican? Wonder what the story on that will be?

    • @Fondots
      148 months ago

      I have a few ideas about that ranging from the boring to insane conspiracy bullshit.

      1. A decent amount of people, myself included, have chosen to register as republican despite not really aligning themselves with the party. PA is a closed primary state so if you want a vote in the primaries you basically have to choose R or D, I personally went Republican on my registration because in general I can live with whoever the Democrats put up, they may not be my first, third, or 20th choice of candidate, but on the Republican side there are mostly only bad choices, and I’d rather try to head off the worst of them before they make it to the general election. In other cases it might just be down to a coin flip.

      2. A lot of PA is pretty damn red, in some cases you may not have many or even any Democrat candidates in your local elections, and the ones you do have don’t really have a snowballs chance in hell, so you might as well try to work with what you got on the Republican side.

      3. Or maybe even you just registered as a Republican because that’s what your parents told you to do when you got your driver’s license and never bothered to change it. Maybe you just kind of figured that’s what everyone did, or maybe you’ve had a change of heart since registering.

      4. There are still some never-trump type Republicans out there, some of them even have their heads screwed on mostly correctly. Someone who sees trump as damaging to their party, or maybe even democracy while holding other Republican values may want him and his ilk taken out.

      5. Again, some Republicans do have their heads screwed on mostly right, and maybe they feel very strongly about one of the many things Trump will obviously make worse.

      6. Starting with the conspiracy bullshit - someone wanted to make trump a martyr to galvanize the Republican base. Maybe they only intended to wound him, maybe they did want to kill him. Maybe it’s a publicity stunt orchestrated by Trump himself or other high ranking Republicans, maybe it’s a lone actor who decided that it would really get Republicans motivated.

      7. They know Trump is overall pretty incompetent, and felt he has already served the role he was needed for and wanted him out of the picture so that someone just as evil but actually good at his job could step into his shoes.

      8. Even more radical Republicans who think that trump doesn’t go far enough in advancing their race war, or christofascist, or whatever insane bullshit they want to bring about.

      9. Putin is sick of his shit, or some other foreign actor helped bring this about.

      10. Just plain ol’ mental illness and trying to understand the motivation here isn’t going to get you very far because it’s not based on anything approaching logic.

      • SaltySalamander
        48 months ago

        I reg’d as R as a 20-something, but have only voted R once (2000 election), just never bothered to change my registration once I realized voting R was a bad choice.

      • @paddirn
        48 months ago

        I’m actually in the first camp as well, I’d rather have some amount of control over who the opposition is, and I like to keep tabs on what kind of rhetoric/propaganda the other side is pushing on their base. It looks like the shooter may have been in this camp as well, based on the reporting I’ve seen. A BBC story notes he was a registered Republican, but that he had made a donation to a liberal political group, ActBlue, in 2021. So I think it’s probably going to be pinned on Democrats trying to be the violent ones, even though it has literally been Trump & co stirring up shit for years and basically guaranteeing that something like this would happen.

      • ɔiƚoxɘup
        28 months ago

        I heard on the news that he donated to ActBlue™ so that definitely tells some of the story.

          • @[email protected]
            28 months ago

            And I think they just have a donation from someone with his common first and last name. No middle name, no birth date. The only confirmed info says he’s a registered Republican.

            This doesn’t even matter. Guns are the issue.

    • @EnderWiggin
      48 months ago

      Sounds more and more like he was a libertarian who didn’t like Trump. Doesn’t fit so cleanly into the media narrative, but there’s definitely a lot of folks who fit that description politically in the US. Right leaning in a lot of ways but don’t like authoritarianism. That part of the electorate also tends to own the most firearms, and there are no shortage of them in PA.

  • @[email protected]
    288 months ago

    I’m getting multiple reports that some people can’t see it for some reason. Could be Federation, could be they blocked the user who posted it.

    checks username

    It’s the second option and for good reason.

  • Hal-5700X
    8 months ago

    I blame the news media. After years of fear mongering. Will make a crazy parson act up. Sadly it did. But they not going to change. They’re not going learn from this. The news media are do what they been doing. Like nothing happened.

  • @ThePyroPython
    208 months ago

    That’s it.

    It’s either a trump election win and civil war from him dismantling one too many of the elements of US government.

    Or trump looses the election, incites a civil war, and the craziest actually do it.

    Either way, as this even proves: Get. Your. Guns. Whilst you still can.

    • GladiusB
      118 months ago

      Why would Trump losing incite civil war? Who is going to take any weapons from anyone? Who is going to enforce the law? They aren’t going to fight themselves. They want a civil war and they want the Dems to just make one mistake to cause it.

      There is no way to say that there will be that many of them. There will be a few. But nothing on a scale of civil war. That’s some dumb neck beard fantasy. If the Dems win it will be ok. Until the next 4 years.

      • @jordanlundOPM
        138 months ago

        Trump losing would throw the “stolen election” nonsense into overdrive. Hence the civil war.

        • GladiusB
          78 months ago

          I hear that. But who is going to enforce it? The cops? The army? I don’t see that happening. They would attack themselves.

          • @grue
            48 months ago

            Every fascist movement has its paramilitary. Hitler had his Brownshirts, Mussolini had his Blackshirts, and Trump has his Redhats.

            • @maniii
              18 months ago

              Please dont involve Redhat in this mess.

              These ae Crimson Caps.

              • @grue
                48 months ago

                Sorry, but IBM bought it so it’s evil now. I don’t make the rules.


                (Whether I’m still talking about WWII or more recent shit IBM did is left as an exercise for the reader.)

                • @maniii
                  18 months ago

                  IBM stopped being relevant since the PC days. The moment the IBM exec who claimed that the market has in-demand for only “5-Mini computers”, IBM lost the plot a long long time ago.

                  Right now, IBM is mostly a holding corp. THey buy stuff, destroy it, and buy more stuff. Most of IBM innovations and engineers have moved on to other companies. IBM have zero or close-to-zero amount of real tech or IP. Most of it is just fluff and overblown BS.

                  Redhat was already attempting being “like IBM” even before the buyout. But a lot of IBM techs were transferred over to Redhat.

                  Redhat or IBM is just the lesser of evils. It is like blaming the Abacus maker or the calculator maker for the Nuclear Bomb.

          • @jordanlundOPM
            28 months ago

            It wouldn’t be the cops or the army, it would be his Proud Boys aligned supporters, a la the attempt to kidnap the governor of Michigan.

        • EleventhHour
          38 months ago

          Right, because that’s totally what happened last time

          • @jordanlundOPM
            68 months ago

            It really was close last time.

            You look at the fake electors scheme, the attempt to kidnap the governor of Michigan, and January 6th… those are all opening shots in a civil war.

    • @CosmoNova
      98 months ago

      You will find that civil wars in a digitalized surveillance state are very short lived and that the masses don‘t actually hold all that much power apart from the few things they‘re legally allowed to do. So unless tens of millions just stop showing up to work across the country, I don‘t see how the citizens have any leverage whatsoever once the election is over.

  • @return2ozma
    108 months ago

    Chris Hedges tweet…

    My thoughts on the assassination attempt on former President Trump:

    The assassination of Trump would not remove the yearning of tens of millions of people, many conditioned by the Christian right, for a cult leader. Most of the leaders of the Christian right have built cult followings of their own. These Christian fascists embraced magical thinking, attacked their enemies as agents of Satan and denounced reality-based science and journalism long before Trump did. Cults are a product of social decay and despair, and our decay and despair are expanding, soon to explode in another financial crisis.

    The efforts by the Democratic Party and much of the press, including CNN and The New York Times, to discredit Trump, as if our problems are embodied in him, are futile. The smug, self-righteousness of this crusade against Trump only contributes to the national reality television show that has replaced journalism and politics. This crusade attempts to reduce a social, economic and political crisis to the personality of Trump. It is accompanied by a refusal to confront and name the corporate forces responsible for our failed democracy. This collusion with the forces of corporate oppression, which have impoverished the working class, fostered endless war, militarized our police, created the largest prison system in the world, licensed corporations to exploit the most vulnerable and transferred wealth upwards into the hands of a billionaire class, neuters the press, Trump’s critics and the Democratic Party.

    Our only hope is to organize the overthrow of the corporate state that vomited up Trump. Our democratic institutions, including the legislative bodies, the courts and the media, are hostage to corporate power. They are no longer democratic. We must, like resistance movements of the past, engage in acts of sustained mass civil disobedience, especially strikes, and non-cooperation. By turning our ire on the corporate state, rather than Trump, we name the true sources of power and abuse. We expose the absurdity of blaming our demise on demonized groups such as undocumented workers, Muslims, African-Americans, Latinos, liberals, feminists, gays and others. We give people an alternative to a bankrupt Democratic Party – whose presidential candidate is in clear cognitive decline – that is a full partner in corporate oppression and cannot be rehabilitated. We make possible the restoration of an open society. If we fail to embrace this militancy, which alone has the ability to destroy cult leaders, we will continue the march toward tyranny.


    • @BrianTheeBiscuiteer
      58 months ago

      At best it might’ve given us a win for the White House but this is just one election. Even if Donald Trump wins and voluntarily leaves office afterwards his GOP successor will be even worse I’m sure. The best thing about Trump is how much of a lazy grifter he is. It wouldn’t surprise me at all if barely anything changes at the federal level because he’s too busy trying to line his pockets with taxpayer money. The DeSantises and Ramiswamys of the US want to hand over the country to the corporations and churches and they’re fine doing it for pennies on the dollar.

  • @jordanlundOPM
    8 months ago

    New York Post is the first to identify the shooter. Not linking it here because, well, New York Post… but it is being floated out there on non-social media.

    Edit CNN is speaking to Evan Perez, Senior US Justice Department Correspondant, confirming the information first reported by the New York Post.

    Also on Reuters:


  • @[email protected]
    -198 months ago

    What the fuck is with all the jokes about missing Trump? Assassinating a political candidate is nothing to be happy about, no matter how you feel about them.

      • @[email protected]
        88 months ago

        I have no empathy for most politicians or the harm they have done out of greed.

        I’m not in favor of a single individual being judge, jury, and executioner.

        Our system for dealing with corruption is insufficient and infected by the corrupt.

        Other than some Ghandi-level mass nonviolent resistance, one is likely to just end up on the streets (as designed by the corrupt in question), or the way things are going, soon a wall.

        It sucks…

      • @[email protected]
        -108 months ago

        And you think this would help your cause? This would only motivate the right and make them more brazen. You can change things using violence, and if you do they won’t last. It’s up to the people to defeat them in the elections. Your focus should be on grassroots movements to change the people’s minds, not resort to violence like this. This same thought process is what led to J6 riots.

    • Tiefling IRL
      8 months ago

      It’s self defense. He’s been threatening our lives for years. If you can’t see that, you are speaking from a position of absolute privilege. Stop victim blaming.

    • DarkThoughts
      98 months ago

      Just to clarify… Would you’ve said the same thing about Hitler? Americans, specifically Republicans, are very hot about their gun amendment and how it shall be used against some sort of authoritarian uprising. Now one of their nutjobs ended up attempting exactly that. Or he’s a boogaloo dumbo who thought this would incite a civil war.

    • lurch (he/him)
      28 months ago

      He probably got hit in the head, but there was nothing in there 🤣🤣🤣

    • @RampantParanoia2365
      18 months ago

      How about this isn’t simply a matter of not liking someone? He is a very real threat, and in all honesty, this should have been an official military act. And they wouldn’t have fucking missed. This man can absolutely not be allowed to take office. It cannot happen. And the law doesn’t seem to be making sure he doesn’t.