• I have recently started using RSS feeds to get news and other information. It is quite time-saving.
  • Recently found out that word could open pdfs for edits. Used to upload pdfs to websites to get it converted into some editable format. I think Libreoffice can do the same.
  • Got that spinning type of mop and mopping has become a bit easier.
  • Sonotsugipaa
    27 months ago

    If you select some text then use CTRL+D, the editor will search the next match in the file and add it to your selection, and whenever you type something both of the selected segments of text will be edited in the same way - you can extend the selections with SHIFT+LEFT and SHIFT+RIGHT.
    It’s hard to explain in an intuitive way, but you’ll get it if you try it.

    Another simpler example is CTRL+SHIFT+UP and CTRL+SHIFT+DOWN: your current selection splits to the next line in either direction.
    Something similar happens with CTRL+SHIFT+MOUSE_LEFT.

    • wuphysics87
      17 months ago

      These work in most programs. You cam also use ctrl + bksp to backspace a full word

      • Sonotsugipaa
        7 months ago

        “Most programs” as in “most IDEs”, maybe; Visual Studio, Eclipse, Micro and Kate do not, or at the very least not with those key combinations.

          • Sonotsugipaa
            17 months ago

            I don’t have LibreOffice installed, but on Firedragon (a fork of Floorp (based on Firefox)) CTRL+SHIFT+DOWN behaves the same as SHIFT+DOWN, with no selection split; CTRL+D also has nothing to do with selection.

            • wuphysics87
              27 months ago

              I meant that holding ctrl+left/right or bs/del acts on a word object rather than a character. Same with ctrl+shift+left/right. I use this to select and cut words without moving my hand to the mouse. Mostly writing emails in outlook on Firefox.

              Appologies if there was some misunderstanding.