I stumbled upon this YouTube channel that appears to be dedicated to showing off classic toys, and apparently they’ve recreated a few Star Trek episodes with their “MEGO” characters.

It’s hilarious, ridiculous, and surprisingly well edited. I meant to check out the first scene and somehow watched a whole episode.

  • verity_kindle
    22 months ago

    UPDATE: watched the ep, loved mego T’Pring’s sudden appearance and the way the actors wiggle and bounce when they say their lines! It reminded me of the marionettes from Thunderbirds, but much more charming.

    • The Picard ManeuverOPM
      22 months ago

      It’s so funny to picture the guy slightly off camera wiggling them around for the scenes. I love it.

      • verity_kindle
        22 months ago

        He must have used a greenscreen glove, right? Or really good editing…