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Runtime Break start
4h 0m 1h 36m

Episode 100: Downfall: Part Two

Salutations, as we return to the heart of the city of Aeor in the moments before its inevitable downfall.
We return to where we left off, within the Chamber of Seasons, deep in the heart of the Opus Ward. Ancient stone and the illuminated images in this temple of old that now are brought to new life under the light of a hidden sun. Images of the gods flank the walls of this chamber. As you prepare to leave, knowing only that a weapon (made to destroy the eternal) is at the very threshold of operational status, deep within the heart of this last bastion of mortal might.
As you prepare to leave you see that these strange companions (also in the form of mortal avatars) begin to smile and make their way towards the exit. For those of you that have conversed here, we have several groups preparing to travel out from this place:

  • Asha and The Emissary are preparing to move with Tishar (a tall-hulking barbarian woman with a massive greatsword on her back) and Zaharzht (a spiky Tortle, sort of albino, sickly-green eyes, with hooks and jagged chunks of rusty metal in his flesh. They prepare to head to the Obtenebrator Engine (which disguises the city from divine sight and scrying) in the Genesis Ward at the center of the city.
  • SILAHA (an aeormaton) and Emhira are preparing to leave in the company of Umleta (a small halfling archer) to make use of SILAHA’s connections within the mageocratic city of Aeor. Searching for rumors or clues to the Eravox Protocol (a means by which, should the mageistry of Aeor become aware of the threat to their great project, the knowledge of that project would be transcribed and sent to the far corners of Exandria) one last failsafe that the knowledge found to destroy the gods would not be lost to mortalkind.
  • Arcadia (your companion and ally from here in the city) and Father Milo (a priest of the Dawnfather) accompanying Ayden and Trist. Searching for passage into the Genesis Ward (highly secretive, the arcane heart of Aeor where its greatest secrets (some of which will be discovered many years from now under the icy frost of Eiselcross but in this day they are at the zenith of their power) lie.

Is there anything that you do or say to each other as you prepare to disembark from the Chamber of Secrets, uh Chamber of Seasons?
As Umleta comes to join you, you see that she looks up at you and smiles. You see that she has this rogue-ish way of carefully taking this silken rope and begins to pack it around an elbow and a hand, creating a little coil that she tucks into this large, black bag on her back. You see there is thread… like a web. You don’t like that they (these betrayer gods) were here before you arrived. You’ve been in this city for a long time and you begin to wonder how long they’ve been here for.

Previous Episode: “Downfall: Part One”

  • UltragrampsOPM
    17 months ago

    Question: Since the Raven Queen is the newest, is she like the permanent baby of the Primes?

    • @punkideas
      17 months ago

      I think so. There isn’t any sign of a mortal trying to achieve godhood again.