• Donald Trump contributed $6,000 to Kamala Harris when she ran for California attorney general.
  • Trump donated $5,000 to her 2011 campaign and $1,000 in 2013 as a private citizen.
  • Joe Biden dropped out of the 2024 presidential race on Sunday and endorsed Kamala to replace him.
  • @kescusay
    1742 months ago

    Honestly, he’s never been a Democrat or a Republican. Even now, if you go by what the Republican party was before he took it over. He’s always been a Trumpist, nothing more and nothing less. He cares solely, without exception, for one thing: Donald Trump.

    • @TrickDacy
      252 months ago

      Absolutely true but he will give these fucks what they want in exchange for adoration

      • @ripcord
        2 months ago

        Will he actually, though? Or just say he will?

        I think the only way that could happen is if it just happened to be something he wanted.

        • @TrickDacy
          222 months ago

          I read that the project 2025 people were ecstatic since he delivered on like 75% (or more?) of their policy goals for his first term. Roe v Wade wasn’t an accident, for example

        • @[email protected]
          52 months ago

          He’s for sale to the highest bidder. He’ll do anything they want as long as there’s a big enough check attached.

          • @nyctre
            22 months ago

            I don’t believe that’s why he’s doing what he’s doing. Unless it’s like a sick compulsion or something. He’s a 78 year old billionaire. Why whore yourself for money when you’ve already got enough to last you a lifetime? I think the power and whatever is more of a motivator.

            • @[email protected]
              22 months ago

              Idk, ask that to every billionaire CEO giving themselves bigger and bigger raises. I agree that power is the main motivator, but I feel like the money and power go hand in hand.

            • @[email protected]
              11 month ago

              He’s a deeply malignant narcissist. He just likes being called president trump, and is jealous of Putin and Kim Jong Un because they permanently rule an entire country.

              Trump can’t stand anyone having something he doesn’t, so trying to take over the US is his next step to being “the best” and in what he perceives to be the big boys club.

              Narcisstic people are motivated by some petty shit. It’s mind boggling but true. Just look at the shit Elon Musk has been pulling and how petty it is.

      • @cosmicrookie
        -72 months ago

        Republican is an international description of political ideologies. Don’t let USA redefine the word.

        • @mycodesucks
          12 months ago

          Words can mean more than one thing, and people assume you’re intelligent enough to be able to put them in context and figure out which one you mean. If I say “The general gave an order”, you assume I don’t mean at Burger King. If you want hard definitions with one meaning only, perhaps I can recommend this?

    • @Lost_My_Mind
      92 months ago

      Hey! That’s not true!!! You need to be fair here.

      …he also loves Mcdonalds.

      • @krashmo
        52 months ago

        I think he loves all hamberders equally