• @TrickDacy
    77 months ago

    This is what I thought would happen if he stepped down. We’ll see.

      • @TrickDacy
        27 months ago

        How could you possibly be so sure of that?

        • @jj4211
          37 months ago

          Well, it’d certainly bizarre enough to invite confusion. If the call was made that he couldn’t continue as President, then turn around and say “VP!”, well that would be very odd since you undermined his credibility then turned back around and leaned hard on him.

        • John Richard
          -17 months ago

          Seriously? The guy who’s mental state declined so much that he lost a debate to Trump, that a majority of Democrats wanted him out and whose own party showed him for two weeks that he was losing in all the polls and didn’t have a chance, would be a good choice for VP? Like, are you being serious? Why not a Hillary/Biden ticket if you really want to lose?

          • @[email protected]
            17 months ago

            Biden didn’t lose the debate. Trump’s the guy who audibly shat his pants live in front of the entire nation. Dementia Donald is no match for Hardy Harris.

            • John Richard
              07 months ago

              Biden lost the debate by all accounts. His performance was so bad he literally had to exit the race. You’re not going to win by living in la la land.

              • @[email protected]
                27 months ago

                Trump didn’t even answer the questions. The reason Biden exited the race and Trump didn’t, is that Biden is a humble man who values the younger generation, and he had a high standard for himself that he didn’t meet. Meanwhile Sleepy Don poops his pants on camera and the GOP doesn’t care. They’re fine running a frail old man who’d drop dead a year into his presidency if he won. Tapioca Trump lost, it just didn’t matter because nobody expected him to be coherent.

              • @TrickDacy
                17 months ago

                Yes because word stumbling is the ultimate in incompetence. Lying extensively about everything with zero substance whatsoever, that’s a true mark of a leader and master debater

                • @jj4211
                  17 months ago

                  While I agree with you with how it should be, the reality is who conducted themselves better. Notably lying should be a huge liability because the other party can tear apart the lies. However Biden barely did so (a little bit, but mostly let things slide). So absent of context, people saw one man stringing together coherent points that, if you didn’t know any better, sounded plausible while the other failed to call him on any of it, while also struggling to put together basic responses.

                  Usually Biden mistakes are mere ‘word stumblings’ but that night was really particularly off.

                  • @TrickDacy
                    17 months ago

                    Right I agree that many people are so stupid/ignorant that they will interpret that debate that way. But the truth still matters. That one candidate was trying to be a decent human being and the other was trying his best to be gutter sludge. The very opposite of everything that is moral and decent. It’s really disheartening that this truth doesn’t even matter anymore. The fact that even some of my own family falls for this crap has been extremely illuminating and depressing. The world has been a whole lot grayer since I realized in 2015 that Trump actually had a chance at winning. And it’s only gotten worse since. There’s literally nothing the slime ball could do to lose support. We are witnessing the death of thought. All four of my (late) grandparents were lifelong Republicans but I think at least two of them would’ve opposed him very strongly. I’m not sure what it is, but it really does seem like the more information that is easily available, the more people reject reliable information.

                    Sorry for the rant it’s just… Awful. And this particular point we are discussing here is at the heart of it all. If people just cared about truth a little more, there never would have been a president trump. We would not be worrying about this now. We’d be opposing some regular level asshole like mitt Romney. But no, we have to slog through a world where the shittiest person you can imagine gets rewarded for being that shitty. I’m sick of it.

          • @TrickDacy
            17 months ago

            He likely could’ve won as a presidential candidate but you’re so sure it’s not even worth questioning that just his stink would completely destroy Harris’s chances.

            I have zero clue what it would be like to be that sure of anything. The confidence you people have in ideas you can’t possibly be sure of is…alarming.

            • John Richard
              -27 months ago

              Of course I have confidence because I take emotions out of it. Democrats are a better alternative to Trump and Republicans, but if you make excuses for your party all the time cause you’re so emotionally invested then you completely lose touch with the reality of what a lot of voters care about, which is honesty & values. Democrats can’t win against Trump saying how terrible he is by acting more like Trump.

              • @TrickDacy
                7 months ago

                I would argue that overconfidence specifically results from being overly emotional and not knowing how to deal with it.

                • John Richard
                  -27 months ago

                  I’ve been saying Biden will drop out for weeks because his debate performance was an eye-opening experience about how much his campaign had been lying and propping him up, and all the polls showed it. Within the first day or two he should have went on multiple live press interviews if he still had his wits about him. He couldn’t do it. He ran and hid and then did select interviews where his team even provided the questions for the radio hosts to ask, and he still struggled.

                  I was called a Trump supporter, a fascist, and even banned from at least one community here on Lemmy. I was consistently downvoted for even expressing any negative opinion about Biden. The behavior was more like I was being attacked by a cult of followers, similar to what was being said about Trump supporters.

                  Biden dropped out. I was right and they were wrong. I wasn’t in the cult. So, if you want to be or stay in a cult, then go right ahead. I’m not going to stop you.

                  • @TrickDacy
                    17 months ago

                    You’re delusional. I’ve seen not one person destroyed by him dropping out. That would be cult behavior. Everyone seems to have accepted it even if they initially didn’t think he should drop.

                    And it’s kinda funny your argument here is you were “right” once so from now on you will be.