• @chemical_cutthroat
    2 months ago

    Wow, when you put it like that, I can really see what side you stand on.

    Edit: I gotta remember not to antagonize the Russian bots from 9-5 Moscow time.

    • @hperrin
      182 months ago

      What do you mean? When I call the candidates what they are?

      • @chemical_cutthroat
        -282 months ago

        I’m just curious what value calling either of them those things brings to the conversation. Tell me. Which side are you on? Who are you voting for? You going rogue and voting third party? Or are you gonna vote for the cop or the felon? Or, maybe you aren’t gonna vote at all, you rebel. So, tell me. What’s your poison?

        • @hperrin
          2 months ago

          I’m gonna vote for the cop.

          The value is pointing out how utterly hypocritical republicans are. Here they have a chance to vote for a cop over a felon, but they won’t. They’ll vote for the felon because they’re in a cult. They never were the “party of law and order” or the “party of personal responsibility”. It was all lies.

          I’m not a fan of cops, but I’m even less a fan of felons. Especially rapist felons.

          • @chemical_cutthroat
            -152 months ago

            Well, at least your heart is in the right place. Maybe, though, you shouldn’t minimize the only chance this fucking country has at surviving the next 4 years by taking the reductionist view and calling Harris “a cop.” Just something to think about. Maybe she can be more if we give her the chance.

      • @chemical_cutthroat
        -62 months ago

        Ha ha! Look at this guy. He pulled a meme from ifunny and is posting it instead of adding any fucking value to the conversation. What a cut up.

    • @[email protected]
      2 months ago

      And I see you have a problem with people telling the truth about Donald Trump and calling them what they are.

      How was the gay sex at the RNC? I hear Grindr had a hell of a time keeping up. Did you guys like, rent a penthouse suite and have an orgy or were you all just darting between hotels across Milwaukee? You should organize better next time, Democrats at least know how to schedule their sex parties so these sorts of things don’t happen.

      • @chemical_cutthroat
        -152 months ago

        Lmfao. The fact that you think I’m a Republican is cute. Try again, sport.

        • @[email protected]
          22 months ago

          oh god, it’s an enlightened centrist come to teach us all about how the world really works.

          Please, spare me, I’ve got better things to do.

        • YeetPics
          12 months ago

          Idk, you seem quite triggered by that comment.

          I’ll put a little asterisk with an r next to your name so I don’t forget 🤣