• @Snowclone
    108 months ago

    He’s losing extremists to his VP pick having a immigrant wife and mixed race kids, and he’s losing moderate with his VP pick who is an extremist.

    He’s soon to lose a huge amount of women over bodily autonomy, he’s promised to build concentration camps for Latinos, he’s literally citing ‘operation wetback’ as a mission statement. He’s gonna really eat shit when he’s the old idiot that can’t talk right versus the average mental acuity displayed by an opponent who is too young to retire, and has public speaking skills beyond the average 12 year old.

    This is blowing up so severely, he’s already panicking.

    • 18-24-61-B-17-17-4
      48 months ago

      operation wetback

      Come again?

      Also, why did my keyboard let me swipe “wetback”? Racist-ass keyboard.

      • @Snowclone
        8 months ago

        As soon as the US seized control of the north western Mexican states (Mexico has states) they have been wanting to rid the land of non white people, under Eisenhower ‘operation wetback’ was an offical effort to remove non white citizens to Mexico from the western states that were formerly Mexican, many legal citizens were essentially kidnapped and dropped in southern Mexico where they knew no one, didn’t have the culture, didn’t speak the language, and didn’t have connections, often on boat trips against their will that provided no food or water if they could avoid it, a huge amount of people died on the ships or very soon after being forceably moved off the ships. The economic devistation from population decline in many effected towns and cities took more than a generation to recover.

         Mexico did request a cooperative effort to return Mexican nationals to Mexico, but rather than do this in a way that would make sense and not kill people, and focus on people with Mexican nationality specifically and not simply any Hispanic or part native person, the US decided the most fatal method was the way to go. Additionally citizenship would only be valid for white Americans. You know, Because they hate people who are even part native. 
         It was a deeply racist act of ethnic cleansing, and Donald Trump has said openly, in public, he wants this to happen again. Just as he said he wanted Japanese Internment Camps to happen for Muslim people, and I assume other non white populations.
         This is as heinous as if he demanded The Trail of Tears be once again used to ethnicity cleanse native people from the eastern US. It's absolutely INSANE that this isn't even a news story. 
         The press simply do not care to report on this clear open call to ethnic clensing, just like they never covered Texas refusing birth certificates for Hispanic children born on US soil, or the asylum seeker holding prisons where every non white woman was forcibly given a hysterectomy. You know, forced sterilization of a specific ethnic group. 
         The silence has been deafening. -