• @gAlienLifeform
      168 months ago

      Everywhere in the Republican party for sure

      Biden led by 57 points with Black voters, while Harris held a 64-point advantage in the NBC News poll. Among dissatisfied Republicans, Trump’s lead went from 46 points against Biden to 47 points against Harris.

      • @lemmylommy
        138 months ago

        It’s hard to believe there are people who would vote for a rapist president and against a woman president, but could not be bothered to vote for a rapist president and against a woman vice president. It’s a weird line to draw.

        Then again, these people are not exactly known for being reasonable.

      • @[email protected]
        28 months ago

        Great disadvantage about catering very specifically to a rabid minority fanbase: while you’re not going to lose supporters very easily, you’re probably not going to make very big gains either, no matter what happens. Any improvements the democrats make to eat up those middle ground voters could be devistating

      • @Windex007
        28 months ago

        46 to 47 is basically a wash. 46 was basically Joe’s Ceiling; he is a known quantity. Harris has head room for no other reason than most people know barely anything about her so there is an opportunity to grow her standing.

    • @chakan2
      68 months ago

      That’s the game…did enough of them die off after Hilary’s run to make a difference.

      Kamala at least makes this race exciting again. I can’t tell you how ecstatic I am to hear a leader use full complex sentences and not stumble over big words.

      • dactylotheca
        68 months ago

        I’m just a foreigner watching in horror from the sidelines, but Harris really does seem like a decent choice – but it’s hard for me to say if that’s just because the other option is essentially Great Value Cthulhu

        • @chakan2
          58 months ago

          Great Value Cthulhu is great btw.

          The thing that’s going to hurt her maybe is her kind of inconsistent record as a prosecutor. However, that’s being spun into progressive before it was cool, so I think she’ll be ok there.

          The other line of attack that might have some teeth is her dating the San Francisco mayor while he was estranged from his wife (for a decade), but the timeline of her promotions make that kind of a non issue.

          The only thing I’m really worried about is how Racist the US is. That might cost us this election, but if that’s how we go out, so be it. I’d rather lose with a worthy candidate than lose because we ran the stunt double from Weekend at Bernie’s.

          • @paddirn
            28 months ago

            I mean, we just had a black president less than 10 years ago, Black Lives Matter was a thing across the country, and Hillary Clinton still won the popular vote, I think she actually has a good shot at it, assuming she/Democrats don’t muck it up (which is still a real possibility).

          • dactylotheca
            -28 months ago

            Yeah I can’t help but wonder if having a black woman as candidate might be too much for some “liberals”