• @AIhasUse
    -837 months ago

    Yeah, are all those camps full of kids that keep getting bombed really a massive threat? Have they really got you so brainwashed that you are actually thinking that since Palestinian babies may grow up to be terrorists we have to kill them in the name of the almighty trolley?

      • @[email protected]
        37 months ago

        Nah, this one is a troll. You can tell because the account is pretty much 100% political agitation. Even passionate activists occasionally post about other stuff.

      • @AIhasUse
        -587 months ago

        Who did Tump bomb? Do you think he bombed more or less than biden? How about bush? Or the other bush? Or Clinton? Or any president in the last 100 or so years? Why is it that you are terrified of an evil fascist that never bombed any innocent people in foreign lands?

        Maybe you’re the one being fucked buster.

        • TooManyFoods
          337 months ago

          “never bombed any innocent people in foreign lands”

          Does your tongue burn when you tell such clear lies?

          • @TrickDacy
            7 months ago

            Daddy Putin got a chubby tho

            Funny how this user says other people won’t argue with them because they are wrong but they don’t actually respond to comments like yours

        • @[email protected]
          197 months ago

          How about bush

          You mean the guy who started an illegal war in Iraq who had no connection to 9/11 or have any WMDs? That Bush?

          • @AIhasUse
            -147 months ago

            Yes, that bush. The murderous warmongering asshole. Exactly that one. That’s the one I am referring to. The one that hopefully gets a special hell made for him and everyone who does the kind of shit that he did. Like Biden, Bush’s daddy, Clinton, Obama, Regan…

    • @TrickDacy
      7 months ago

      What the fucking hell are you babbling about? No one is saying this irrelevant shit.

      Edit: see the thread below if you’re interested in seeing how dedicated they are to lying to help trump. But I wouldn’t recommend it, it’s depressing

      • @AIhasUse
        -367 months ago

        There was just some idiot saying we gotta bomb homel3ss children because of the “trolley problem”, if that wasn’t you, then don’t worry about it.

        • @TrickDacy
          237 months ago

          That is not even remotely what they said and you know it. Stop discouraging Democratic voters if you care an iota about Palestine. I suspect you don’t though

          • @AIhasUse
            -337 months ago

            I have absolutely no faith that Harris will stop the free money and bombs to Israel. At least Trump says he wants to stop giving them money and make it be loans. A step up is a step up. He’s still rubbish though, just less so than the current hypocritical dems. Giving endless blank checks to someone you say you oppose is utter trash.

            • @TrickDacy
              7 months ago

              Wowwwww you pretend to think Trump won’t be worse… Now I know for sure you’re a liar. Great job human sacrificing Palestinians for your cause tho. Makes for the most morally disgusting trade I can imagine

              • @AIhasUse
                -217 months ago

                Who did trump bomb? Who did biden bomb?

                That’s what I thought.

                So, tell me again, who is willing to sacrifice Palestinian lives between he two of us? The person who allows biden and the dems to blow the shit out of anyone for any reason? Or the person who says fuck anyone who blows up innocent people?

                Yeah. Go on, let’s hear what you have to say. The block button is right there since you’ll pretend like having no response is a brave reason for blocking anyone who points out your obnoxious hypocrisy.

                By the way, Trump is a tool, and I would never vote for him.

                • @TrickDacy
                  7 months ago

                  Biden bombed zero Palestinians and you know this. Great job lying your ass off though. The Kremlin will smile on you

                  Trump is a tool, and I would never vote for him.

                  Well yes Russians can’t vote in our elections. It’s obvious you and trump answer to the same people though.

                  Again props on the obvious lies you’re happy to spread shamelessly

                  • @AIhasUse
                    -127 months ago

                    Biden bombed zero Palestinians? Look at the gymnastics you have to play to make your point. You know full well that biden has been handing over bombs for months that were going directly down on the skulls of Palestinian babies. To try to make yourself feel right, you have to pretend like the fact that he has netty kiss them before they splatter innocent blood it makes it not his fault. Good job. Goooood job.

                    You know, i know, and everyone reading this knows. You’re not fooling anyone, not even yourself.

                  • @AIhasUse
                    -177 months ago

                    Point to a single lie, quote it. I’ll wait.

    • @[email protected]
      247 months ago

      Bruh are you stupid? Trump would probably go kill some Palestinians himself for fun, both options don’t give a fuck about Palestine. One option is just way worse for Americans.

      • @AIhasUse
        -347 months ago

        Tell me that time that Trump dropped bombs on anyone. I’ll wait. It will be much harder then if you try to do this for bush or Regan or Clinton or biden or Obama or any other president you or your parents lived through. Let that sink in. The super evil viole t fascist is the only president who didn’t drop bombs on any innocent civilians. Does that really add up for you?

          • @AIhasUse
            -247 months ago

            I didn’t lie about shit. Work on reading comprehension. He supported way fewer bombs ings and war than almost any president in the last 100 years. This is easily checked. The evil fascist murdering president so ehow has a more peaceful track record than any you can find. The only response you have is to make up arguments to fight against. That should tell you something. It won’t, but it should.

            • @[email protected]
              167 months ago


              an evil fascist that never bombed any innocent people in foreign lands?

              Tell me that time that Trump dropped bombs on anyone.


              He supported way fewer bombs ings

              I didn’t lie about shit.

              You did, repeatedly in the same thread. Your goalpost repeatedly moved so you can throw out empty insults like :

              Work on reading comprehension.

              I don’t know if you are a troll, a Russian paid professional troll, a shill or an idiot but I do know that you are a liar.

              • @AIhasUse
                -127 months ago

                Look, I slightly exaggerated a 1 to a 0. You know full well that this is absolutely a red herring and the o lyrics thing you have to stand on. I won’t pretend to think you are a bot or a paid shill, that’s absurd. You are fully aware of what you are doing though.

                • TooManyFoods
                  67 months ago

                  A 300 percent increase isn’t a 1 to 0. Besides, a 1 bring true and a 0 being false would mean insisting so strongly again and again it’s 0 when there is one three or fourth is not true.

                • @TrickDacy
                  27 months ago

                  Oh I thought you “misspoke.” Hmm now it was an exaggeration. Weird how you contradict yourself repeatedly

                  • @AIhasUse
                    -37 months ago

                    If you don’t know that misspoke and exaggeration are the same thing in many contexts, then you just don’t have a very strong command of the English language yet.

        • @[email protected]
          97 months ago

          Trump literally used the word Palestinian as a derogatory insult in the debate, if that’s not enough for you to get the hint you are beyond help my guy

          • @AIhasUse
            -167 months ago

            The fact is that all you have is that people told you that Trump used “Palestinian” as a derogatory term and that on the other side, biden has been mercilessly providing bombs to blow the hell out of Palestinians for almost a year. For me, I would much rather my name be used as a slander than have my whole family turned into applesauce. I guess some people really care more about supposed name-calling, though.

            • @[email protected]
              17 months ago

              So you’re using the Palestinian genocide as pretense to further an agenda completely unrelated to it, got it. If you actually cared, you would understand how effective this kind of dehumanization is in generating support for the murder of a people.

              • @TrickDacy
                7 months ago

                The user you are speaking with is most likely a paid Russian troll. I say this because they repeatedly lie in specific ways which would encourage people to not vote or vote for Trump (such as claiming Trump bombed zero people but Biden directly bombs people), and they claim to be a US citizen randomly, but keep European hours.

                It seems like they take great pleasure in lying generally and especially in lying to say their ideological opponents “support genocide” since they have called them out for lying. I want to make it a mission to call this piece of shit out everywhere I can. They are a liar, and it is intentional. And from what I’ve seen, it would be weird if it’s not paid.

                • @AIhasUse
                  07 months ago

                  I never said biden directly bombs people. I corrected you when you said.

                  I corrected myself after I said trump didn’t supply any bombs. He supplied very few.

                  If you had anything to stand on, then you would argue honestly. You’ve repeatedly incorrectly represented me.

                  You were telling me over and over how much I love trump despite me saying that he is disgusting and I detest him and would never vote for him.

                  If you believed you had any solid argument, then you wouldn’t have to make stuff up in order to feel like you are winning arguments.

              • @AIhasUse
                07 months ago

                Nope, to your first point, you misunderstood, we are talking about the palestinian genocide. To your second point, I don’t know what you were even trying to say after I read it several times.