Is it “Camel-uh” or “Cam-ahl-uh”?

  • Random_Character_A
    201 month ago

    Fun fact.

    In Finnish “kamala” means “awful”.

    We are gonna have endless dad jokes with this one.

    • @davidagain
      41 month ago

      In British English, Trump means (1) the sound an elephant makes or (2) a fart, particularly a noisy one. If you trump your own horn it means you’re boastful and think of yourself higher than other people do.

      President Trump = President Fart.
      Still funny after all these years, despite the looming fascism.

    • Drunemeton
      -51 month ago

      She does have the truly AWFUL job of being a women of color that our nation is depending on to beat one of the worst once elected, twice impeached former presidents.