QL was our first game and although it was a big milestone for us, it was created at a time before we understood version control software. We do not have access to the source code anymore and cannot make any fixes or changes to the game. Because of this, we have decided to disable the ability for anyone to buy copies of the game. Thank you for your time and feel free to reach out to us.

The trailer looks like an awesome vaporwave freeze tag indie game.

  • @[email protected]
    -642 months ago

    This game was released 10 years after git, and we already had backups since the 80s. Why are they lying?

    • Pennomi
      982 months ago

      You’re trying to find maliciousness where there’s only incompetence.

      • @Adalast
        402 months ago

        Incompetence might even be a little harsh. Inexperience or incompetence maybe. I prefer inexperience.

        • @laughterlaughter
          142 months ago

          Incompetence is fine. Incompetence can come from different sources, including inexperience.

          • @lath
            52 months ago

            Incompetence is usually used as an insult, so using it in the case of inexperience tends to be mean-spirited.

            • @laughterlaughter
              92 months ago

              Fair point.

              But to be fair, “you’re inexperienced” can also be used as an insult.

              • @lath
                82 months ago

                Might be personal bias, but I see “you’re inexperienced” as “learn some more and come back later” and “you’re incompetent” as “get out of my sight and never come back”.

                • @laughterlaughter
                  2 months ago


                  It could also be purportedly condescending. Still an insult.

          • @lath
            102 months ago

            Inexperience is failing before becoming familiar with a task. Incompetence is failing repeatedly after becoming familiar with a task.

      • @Mango
        -222 months ago

        Well it would be rude to think they’re not smart enough to make a backup of a thing they’re spending effort on and actually works.

        • Cethin
          2 months ago

          Why? I was the programming director of a game dev club in university and so many people didn’t know how to use git and I had to teach them. The number of university or early hobby projects that have been lost is probably essentially uncountable.

          • @Mango
            -252 months ago

            I’m a guy who likes to goon, eat magic mushrooms, and play videogames all the time. I don’t lose files.

            Wanna trade jobs?

            • @[email protected]
              2 months ago

              lmao your brain is so fried that you cannot understand that people making a game for the first time 10 years ago might’ve not understood the importance of proper version control and backup.

              • @Mango
                -92 months ago

                No, THEY did not understand. I know full well how to copy a file.

                • @laughterlaughter
                  62 months ago

                  Bro still eating mushrooms while typing. Go lie down and play portishead somwehere.

                  • @Mango
                    -22 months ago

                    Small children might take offense at a random Internet flamer like you, but I cannot be bothered to care.

        • @Redredme
          142 months ago

          So many games are lost in time due to this.

          My favourite game off all time, Homeworld, got remastered years ago. Its fantastic follow-up, cataclysm could not be included in the renaster. The reason? Lost source code. No backups, studio got bought, diveded, merged, shut down and nobody thoight it prudent to safeguard that what they bought; the code and ip.

          It happens. Often.

          • NostraDavid
            32 months ago

            The fact that Blizzard was able to piece together a reconstruction of WoW Classic v1.12 is more of the exception to the rule.

          • @Mango
            -12 months ago

            Ugh buyouts are terrible.

        • @laughterlaughter
          2 months ago

          “It would be rude to think that they’re inexperienced. So let’s just say that THEY’RE LIARS!!!

          You’re almost close to self-awareness. But then, not bad for a mango.

        • @FooBarrington
          52 months ago

          “We lost access to the source code because we didn’t use VCS or make backups”

          “Well, it would be rude to think they’re not smart enough to make a backup[…]”

          No, what’s rude is assuming that people are lying to you without good reason.

          • @Mango
            -32 months ago

            How do we know what reason they have?

            • @FooBarrington
              42 months ago

              They told you their reason: they were inexperienced. Why do you assume they must be lying, and hiding another reason?

              • @Mango
                -12 months ago

                Because their stated reason is stupid. You can do all this complex stuff but forget the turn it off and back on? Get fucked with that nonsense.

                • @FooBarrington
                  22 months ago

                  Then tell me: what else could the reason be? Why make people deliberately think you’re stupid? What’s the advantage?

                  And yes, this is a thing that happens literally to thousands of people every day. Almost everyone has a “I didn’t make backups” story. Humans aren’t born perfect - they make mistakes and learn from them. How many doctoral theses do you think are lost every day due to missing backups? Or how much art, how much data in general?

                  Instead of assuming some evil genius agenda hiding behind their stupid stated reason, you could just try to accept that people make mistakes. But you surely don’t ever make any, so why would anyone else?

                  • @Mango
                    12 months ago

                    Maybe they have plagiarized code. Who knows?

    • @prime_number_314159
      352 months ago

      I think you’re reading more into the statement than is there. Their studio was founded the same year this game released, with only one of the two founders described as a programmer. I’m pretty sure they mean “we” as in “the two guys that founded the studio”.