• @AIhasUse
    17 months ago

    It’s going to blow your mind, but guess what, Europe, where I live, is near Russia. I know it probably feels like everything outside of the US is foreign/Russia to you, but it’s not actually the case. Maybe get your education somewhere other than reaffirming news sources.

    • @TrickDacy
      -17 months ago

      Whoops! You claimed to be American previously.

      Thanks for the baseless implication that I don’t know anything about the world though. It’s not like I could easily driven to st Petersburg on one of my trips if not for the extremely fucked politics of your fucked country.

      • @AIhasUse
        17 months ago

        Wow, you really are young, aren’t you? It seems impossible to you that an American might be living outside of America? I assure you that it is not nearly unfathomable, as you may think. Not everyone in different time zones is in enemy territory, and not every American is currently residing in America. Guess what, the earth isn’t flat either. Also, Christianity isn’t the only religion. Burgers were not invented in America either. Anything else you need cleared up?

        • @TrickDacy
          -17 months ago

          Combined with your other whoopsies yeah I’m not inclined to believe you’re one of the probably .5% of Americans living outside their country.

          Probably because it’s far more likely that the lies you’ve been caught in are part of a trend.

          • @AIhasUse
            17 months ago

            You think I’m a Russian hire because I made a typo and because you wrongly thought I liked trump. You think this is more likely than me being an American outside of the US. I just checked, your .5% guess wasn’t too far off, it is about 1.5%.

            • @TrickDacy
              -17 months ago

              I don’t need to change your mind about your nationality. And I don’t have to list the evidence. Plenty of it in this thread. You really aren’t very smart to spend your effort lying here. Facebook will work much better for the lie campaign