YouTube has been spotted testing server-side ads, which could pose a problem to ad blockers.

  • @[email protected]
    47 months ago

    I remember when I first downloaded an ad blocker. For quite a while I didn’t bother, ads didn’t bother me and websites need to pay for hosting somehow. Then I encountered an ad that SCREAMED “HELOOOOOO” any time you moused over it and I immediately downloaded an ad blocker and haven’t been without since.

    Fuck advertising companies, they are the reason ad blockers are so prolific. If ads aren’t bothering you then you’re not noticing them, meaning they’re not doing their job so ad companies will develop new ways to bother you with them until you refuse to take it anymore.

    • @A_Random_Idiot
      27 months ago

      I jumped on the adblocking train after the 3rd time my system got struck with nasty malware (back in the windows XP days) from infected ads.

      I finally said fuck it, downloaded adblockers, and never looked back.

      and every time i’ve been without adblockers since (new computer/new format, working on someone elses, etc) I’ve continually been reinforced about the necessity of adblockers.