• @RapidcreekOP
    412 months ago

    The AP reports the enthusiasm has also stretched down ballot"

    • @Boddhisatva
      352 months ago

      I hope so. We need a surge in anti-GOP voting to clean house all the way from the House and Senate down to the local school boards. GOP toxicity is harming people at every level. They need to be kicked out of office and relegated to the trash heap of history.

      • The Quuuuuill
        202 months ago

        Yeah if we can vote these regressives into irrelevance we can then start working on voting the neoliberals into irrelevance and hopefully get meaningful election reform done

        • @makyo
          142 months ago

          This is the dream! Curbstomp the Trumpletons and then start dragging the overton window back to the left so that humane and sane policy starts to seem plausible again to the common American.

          • @8ender
            22 months ago

            If demographics and voting patterns hold out when the boomers are gone the millennials may just do that, especially if Gen Z helps

    • @[email protected]
      62 months ago

      Speaking completely out of my ass, I think mail-in ballots would do wonders for down ballot engagement. My state has this, and it’s invaluable — often there are weird down ballot measures which are confusingly worded, and sometimes local elections have a “vote for 10 candidates out of the 34 who are running.” Voting at home means I can tackle it at my leisure — no memorization or cheat sheets required.

      • @[email protected]
        82 months ago

        It’s actually one of the main reasons why I love mail-in voting.

        And it’s exactly the reason why Republicans largely don’t want it. Doing “research” is antithetical to the Republican party.