• Lad
    997 months ago

    If it’s okay to exclude Russians from sport then it’s okay to exclude Israelis.

    If it’s wrong to exclude Israelis then it’s wrong to exclude Russians.

    • @Nuke_the_whales
      157 months ago

      Exclude American then. What you guys did to my country was criminal

        • @Nuke_the_whales
          57 months ago

          Exactly lol. That’s why I didn’t say, cause there are so so many that it kinda reiterates my point

          • @Siegfried
            7 months ago

            Im gonna start with the guessing… chile?

          • @[email protected]
            -167 months ago

            You won’t say the country. Your country was always a shit hole. You just want someone to point the finger at for your own inbred problems.

      • @MrBojangles5342
        37 months ago

        Agreed, America has been destroying my country for decades.

        Source: am American

    • @Squizzy
      127 months ago

      Yup, unfortunately global politics are such bullshit that Zelensky has to support Israel

        • @Squizzy
          47 months ago

          I’m sorry in your fantasy world land grabbing Russia is the aggressor but land grabbing Israel is the victim? Do you have memory prior to October 2023?

          • How much back do you want to go?

            Yom Kippur war?

            First Israel-Arab war?

            Israel isn’t a perfect or even a great country. Obligatory fuck Nettanjahu. But no matter how far back we go, you can’t honestly say that it is the aggressor.

            I hate to say it, but there’s a reason why Netanjahu was elected.

            • @Squizzy
              27 months ago

              He was elected because Israel exists and grows because of the right of all jews to live there. Now which type of people are most likely to seek refuge in Israel? Religious zealots, the persecuted and the right wingers that are full of fear.

              In modern history if we just go back to the foundation of the state, Israel have not adhered to the agreed borders, however unjustly they were created. Israel has blocked and encamped an entire people, and if they leave they have mo right to return as Israel oversees thencomings and goings into the Palestinian State. Other entrances to the state are used as political footballs on Israeli whims.

              Israel is an apartheid state.

            • @obre
              7 months ago

              1948. The initial invasion and instantiation of an ethno-state that precipitated all future conflicts. No matter how far back we go… just ignore the beginning.

      • @[email protected]
        -167 months ago

        Sure it’s not the propaganda you’re reading that’s not bullshit?

        There’s a lot of people on the internet that say Zelenskyy is a Nazi. There’s a lot of people that say Netanyahu is a Nazi. What determines what is true and what is false for you? Is it determined solely by what you have the most exposure to on social media?

        • @Dkarma
          147 months ago

          I love how people like you pretend evidence doesn’t exist and it’s just one word against another…

          • @[email protected]
            -157 months ago

            Evidence does indeed exist. But you’re probably rejecting facts that don’t conform to your preferred narrative.

            Facts like Hamas is still holding Israeli hostages. Hamas won’t agree to a ceasefire. Casualty rates flatten out when there’s no active combat an an area which is not at all consistent with a genocide. How could it be that there aren’t civilian casualties in places where there’s no brave Hamas fighters to protect Palestinians from the genocidal IDF? Maybe because it’s not a genocide, you’re just being told that.

            More facts: the leadership of Hamas are billionaires that profit from Palestinian suffering. TikTokers showing you “the truth” are also profiting.

            Even more facts: Israel is going to get their people back. If Hamas agrees to a ceasefire that returns the hostages, it’s over. If not it won’t be over until the IDF finds all of these hostages. Which could take a long time.

            The only thing that we need to guess about is when Hamas will decide they’ve made enough donation money from this current iteration of violence (there will be more in the future) and agree to a ceasefire.

            • @[email protected]
              7 months ago

              Facts like Hamas is still holding Israeli hostages.

              How many children from the west bank are being held hostage by Israel without trial or evidence?

              Hamas won’t agree to a ceasefire.

              They’ve accepted ceasefire deals multiple times that Bibi personally torpedoes cause he doesn’t want to go to jail.

              Casualty rates flatten out when there’s no active combat an an area which is not at all consistent with a genocide.

              Only if you believe Israel and not people like The Lancet medical journal (and no, it isn’t affiliated with Hamas, even though Hamas’s numbers have proven more accurate than Israel’s over the years)

              How could it be that there aren’t civilian casualties in places where there’s no brave Hamas fighters to protect Palestinians from the genocidal IDF?

              Only if you don’t believe your lying eyes. Or do you believe it’s all pallywood?

              Maybe because it’s not a genocide, you’re just being told that.

              Or we can see the bombed hospitals, schools, and literally every single IDF declared safe zone.

              More facts: the leadership of Hamas are billionaires that profit from Palestinian suffering. TikTokers showing you “the truth” are also profiting.

              Come on, just say pallywood. You know you want to. It’ll be a relief.

              Even more facts: Israel is going to get their people back. If Hamas agrees to a ceasefire that returns the hostages, it’s over.

              This is literally the sticking point. Bibi won’t agree to a permanent cease fire, even for all of the hostages. You’re explicitly lying here.

              • @[email protected]
                -107 months ago

                Just continuing to ignore the facts and regurgitating the things you’ve heard.

                Hamas has said many times things like “they look positively on the ceasefire agreement” but hasn’t actually accepted anything. They do these things because they know when you see the propaganda most people won’t verify anything, and if they do you’ll only do a cursory look at mainstream source see “they look postively” on a ceasefire and assume that it means they accepted it and go back to your narrative feeling like you’ve verified it to be true.

                Only if you believe Israel and not people like The Lancet medical journal (and no, it isn’t affiliated with Hamas, even though Hamas’s numbers have proven more accurate than Israel’s over the years)

                Yeah it’s the numbers from the Gaza Health Authority I’m looking at. They flatten out. not consistent with a genocide.

                Also those numbers aren’t accurate. Even the UN has reported double counting of the numbers by the Gaza Health authority. There’s a war happening it’s impossible to count accurately. Also note that there is no breakdown between civilian casualties and Hamas casualties. It’s simply an estimate of the total number of casualties in Gaza, both civilian and Hamas. We don’t know if 30% are Hamas, 50% are Hamas, 10% are Hamas or whatever.

                So there’s a lack of reliable information here. But given we see casualties only when there’s active combat operations, and it flattens out when there aren’t firefights happening between the IDF and Hamas… the little data we have is consistent with a war in an urban environment where the military is putting emphasis on minimizing their own casualties.

                Also note there would also be a number of casualties attributed to Hamas. Friendly fire is a thing in a warzone, Hamas bullets and rockets don’t simply bounce off civilians. When Hamas sparys bullets and fires rockets in the general direction of the IDF, Palestinian civilians die from that too. Remember the whole genocide narrative started when there was an explosion at a hospital and the cause wound up being a Hamas rocket that went off course. But maybe that’s a fact that you reject to maintain the narrative you like.

                Most of your post is the same old “I reject the facts because Israel bad” which only proves my point. Do you even accept the fact that Hamas is holding Israelis hostage?

                • @[email protected]
                  7 months ago

                  Is this just propaganda?


                  This is the intentional destruction of a key water supply that supplies water to 1 million people.

                  This is an action that is part of the genocidal process.

                  Before you claim Pallywood, or that I’m being lied to, or any of your other stupid and lazy justifications for genocide, this is a video proudly taken by an IDF soldier who is happy to take this genocidal action.


                  Also wanted to pick your brain and find out if you back the soldiers mutiny at Sde Teiman in defense of their right to rape the male prisoners? This is being reported by Haaretz here: https://archive.ph/oeQMG#selection-531.29-531.39

                  Or let me guess, the Israeli newspaper Haaretz is secretly Hamas propaganda, right?

                • @[email protected]
                  17 months ago

                  Funny how both of you like to counter claims but neither has provided actual sources. I call bullshit on both parties unless actual proof is linked.

                  • @[email protected]
                    27 months ago

                    Motion for declaration of bullshit has been called, and hereby seconded.

                    General voting on level of bullshit by both parties is now open.

        • @[email protected]
          57 months ago

          The dead people determine it. Stop justifying the murder of hundreds of thousands of children.

        • @Squizzy
          27 months ago

          No he has been public about it and wanted to visit Israel after October 7th.

          I would be confident that he realises he has to align with them given the propaganda and the lack of resources support from the US.

          • @[email protected]
            -117 months ago

            Both Israel and Ukraine are democracies that are targets of authoritarian regimes. They both routinely have rockets and drones fired at their civilian populations. Some of those rockets and drones have the same country of origin, Iran. In both cases their enemies claim their terrirtoy based on historical ethnic claims.

            They are both targets of propaganda campaigns.

            On some parts of the internet people believe the anti-Ukraine propganda. On this particular part of the internet people tend to believe the anti-Israel propaganda.

            Ukraine and Israel are in similar situations in many ways and therefore are natural allies. They both need to figure out how to keep their people safe from the same weapons being used against them. Why wouldn’t they be allies? Because the internet told you Israel = bad and you haven’t spent time on the parts of the internet that says Ukraine = bad?

            • @Squizzy
              27 months ago

              I would say that Ukraine was not hurting or h8ndering the russian people prior to the invasion. Ukraine was a big holiday destination for Russia. Israel has barricaded and committed to an apartheid regime for Palestine, complete with restrictions on movement and control of their imports and exports as well as influencing their politics.

              I do not see the similarities here.

    • @calcopiritus
      -27 months ago

      To be fair I don’t think Russians are excluded because of their “special military operation”. I’m pretty sure it’s because they always cheated with performance enhancing drugs.

      • @[email protected]
        57 months ago

        They are not. Currently Russian and Belarusian athlete are invited as Individual Neutral Athletes because of the Ukrainian war.

    • @[email protected]
      -117 months ago

      Sure they could do that. But to say “they aren’t welcome here” after it’s been decided they should be there given what happened in the 1972 Olympic games? Is he trying to make that happen again?

      Also the 50th anniversary of what happened in the 1972 Olympics happened between the last games and this one. It’s the Olympics and they do all kinds of ceremonial type shit. Kinda awkward when they can’t do ceremonial type shit about remembering the athletes that died when Palestinian terrorists took them hostage and killed them… because of an ongoing war which was started when Palestinian terrorists took Israelis hostages and killed many more.

      Or is it that any mention of the 11 Isrealis killed in the Munich Olympics are also not welcome at the Olympics today? Is hatred of Israelis retroactive now?