I have tried to create a community on multiple browsers, devices and from multiple different internet connections (no vpn) and have not received an error.

The community name is available and I’ve tried with/without images and the description field.

Could an admin please message me so I can get the community created? Thanks

  • @CypherOP
    18 months ago

    Site admins manually created the sub and gave me moderator status. Seems something is broken and no clear github issue that Im aware of has been made to track it.

    • TheTechnician27
      17 months ago

      Having this same issue myself. Name is available; name, display name, icon, banner, description, and language were all selected, and whenever I would select ‘Create’, the loading icon would spin for a brief moment before stopping and keeping me on the same page.

      • RuudMA
        37 months ago

        The community already existed but was deleted by the creator. I have purged that and you can now create it again.

      • @CypherOP
        17 months ago

        Make a new post description the issue and hopefully the admins can help you out like they did for me