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Runtime Break start
6h 30m 1h 51m

Episode 101: Downfall: Part Three

For those coming back, the gods have not only infiltrated the city of Aeor, but have infiltrated Exandria itself. A plan decades in the making while Exandria remained choked under ash and beset by monstrous hordes of the armies of the gods both Prime and Betrayer alike.
A plan was hatched to bypass the magical wards of the mighty city of Aeor; for the gods to take mortal form to pass those boundaries that only mortals could pass.
Having arrived in Aeor disguised as humble ground-dwelling mortals bringing food. Probably the last thing tethering Aeor to terrestrial Exandria. The gods and their companions discovered that they would need to work quickly, that the Factorum Malleus was all but operational.
Moving swiftly, our divine protagonists (we have to wait to find out if the word ‘heroes’ is appropriate or not) discovered the Archmage Cassida Preven who was working on the Factorum Malleus. Part of a secret society of Aeorian archmages dedicated to helping the Prime Deities win the Calamity. After all this is a war between gods isn’t it? Or are they not so much enemies as family?
We also discovered the Obtenebrator Engine and beneath it The Scribe (an Aeormaton tasked with operating the massive obfuscation that is hiding the city from divine sight, but also in the event of an emergency, broadcast the schematics of the Factorum Malleus across Exandria; an insurance policy should the gods somehow bypass Aeor’s defenses). It took less than six seconds for you to dispatch them.
We return now to an extra-dimensional holding chamber (a “back room” if you will) of the Ars Elysia (the hidden speakeasy/society of beauty/nightclub run by SILAHA aka The Arch Heart). Within this realm, you now appear:

  • The six of you
  • Cassida Preven (one of the archmages who crafted the Factorum Malleus)
  • Your sister and companion Arcadia (also masquerading as an Aeorian archmage; one of the two deities to have spent some time in Aeor.
  • Zaharzht, Father Milo Caust, and Tishar

All of you dwell now under scintillating silver light forming an ovoid sphere with elongated twinkling silver strands in all directions. You do not stand on the floor so much as you hover in suspended space here in the middle. Though it is clean and scintillating and extra-dimensional, perhaps you can smell that not very long ago, a celestial died here.
You have removed the Obtenebrator Engine and thus the gods can see Aeor. You have removed the Eravox Protocol and thus their insurance policy to disseminate this knowledge has faded. In that engine room you heard winds kick up outside; omens of things to come. All that remains is the destruction of the Latimus Princeps that force keeping the gods physically away and keeping you definitively mortal. That Latimus Princeps has been integrated to and built within the weapon itself.
You have one task remaining, but can you agree on what that task is? As we enter this chamber and Cassida (standing by Trist’s side) looks as Zaharzht coughing blood. Tishar goes and flanks Cassida on the other side and puts her chin close to Cassida’s shoulder and sniffs,

Tishar:”Mortal. Funny.”
Cassida looks to all of you now gathered here after the flash of combat and feels the power radiating off of all of you (who have just unmade decades of arcane work in a matter of seconds),
Cassida:“Who is everyone here? Are you…?”
Tishar reaches up a hand and puts it on Cassida’s back.
Tishar:“This person is supposed to be here? Or they leave?”
Tishar grabs the hair on the back of her (Cassida) head. Trist takes Cassida’s hand and looks at Tishar.
Trist:”She’s with me. Please take your hand away.”

Previous Episode: “Downfall: Part Two”

Artwork by KuyaSerge

  • UltragrampsOPM
    3 months ago
    • 03:23:38 Something floats in front of Noshir
    • 03:24:36 Nick rattles off some stats.
    • 03:25:04 BLeeM:“There’s one last thing in front of us and I think this could be a moment where the future of Aeor is written very differently. So let’s see what happens. I love playing with you guys. Ok. Our brass dragon must roll (d6, success>=5) to see if it regenerates its breath weapon.”
      rolls a 6
      BLeeM bluffs Noshir to use a luck point for a reroll, who calls it and the gamble pays off.
    • 03:28:45 BLeeM:“If you actually are ‘3 failed death saves’-dead, your mortal form dies and you are shunted out with the Storm Lord and the Platinum Dragon at the edge of the city.”
    • 03:29:42 Knock on wood.
    • 03:34:10 Nick:“I think we’ll survive.”
      BLeeM:“I love that. I absolutely love that. I’m not gonna lie, I fuckin’ looove that.”
    • 03:36:48 Emhira drops an aoe of darkness that even magic cannot see through along with the wails of sadness from (and for) the dead, dealing hundreds of points of damage and creating disadvantage for the entire upcoming enemy round. Clutch AF.
    • 03:38:43 BLeeM:“That is a fuckin’ miss, and for a creature that absolutely see through magical darkness, but can’t see through This magical darkness.”
    • 03:41:46 Laura’s “no look” dice drop on a potential instant death is a natural 20.
    • 03:46:57 Asha’s long leap out of the darkness
    • 03:49:17 Taliesin:“Burning these points but, fuck it. YOLO.”
    • 03:52:58 SILAHA finally gets a turn. Clockwork Cavalcade and…

    Meteor Swarm!

    Taliesin stands up to help and, as they discuss where to demolish, their mannerisms resemble The Property Brothers (or other any ‘open space’ remodeling show).
    Adamar is evaporated.
    HDYWTDT on Acastriel.
    All three major wards are destroyed, god mode enabled.

    • 04:01:09 Nick:“So it says a creature cannot be affected more than once, but an object may?”
      BLeeM:"This is the (most) ‘Rules-Lawyer-iest’ shit I’ve ever seen.
    • 04:05:26 Laura explaining to Nick that he may have to ‘get out’.
    • 04:07:41 “Make your wish!”
    • 04:09:50 HDYWTDT on Acastriel
    • 04:11:57 Fan Art Moment Asha dancing SILAHA out of the way of the meteor swarm.
    • 04:13:46 Taliesin:“I want the toy.”
    • 04:15:24 Abubakar’s victory pose.
    • 04:16:10 BLeeM:"You guys don’t understand cuz you saw Divine Prowess. You don’t understand the three on top. You really don’t.
      We have
    Divine Vitality

    At the beginning of your turn, if you have not taken damage since the beginning of your last turn, you regenerate all hit points. All death saving throws are considered nat 20s, maximum current and temp HP granted by spells and abilities is multiplied by 10, Immunity to poison, petrification, paralysis, and disease.

    Divine Magic

    Once per turn, you may cast any cleric spell or domain spell of any level without using a spell slot. After calculating all bonuses, double your spell save DC. Double the range, AoE, and duration of all your spells.


    Divine Potency

    All damage from spells and weapon attacks are multiplied by 10. After rolling an attack roll, double the result. After calculating all bonuses, double your armor class. Double range with ranged weapons.

    “It’s not a fair fight and it never was.”

    • 04:22:17 Abubakar:(to Ashley)“You’re at two thousand, one hundred and eighty health…”
    • 04:23:15 No god buffs for Apples.
    • 04:28:26 This machine, crafted by the greatest mortal mages ever, looks through impenetrable darkness crafted by the Matron of Ravens. Its oculus unable to see, even with all of its arcane might. It sees the light of hope and redemption and healing from the dawn of time. There is no possiblity for it to ignore commands of its makers. It would take a miracle for it to do something like that.
      Aeormaton:(gasps)“I believe.” smashes nearby ward
    • 04:30:56 Another ward falls.
    Legendary Resistance

    Legendary resistances x 5. After rolling a saving throw, double the results. Immune to all non-magical damage. Immune to all damage from non-artifact weapons. Immune to all spell damage from spells of 6th level or lower. Gain 2 elemental damage immunities and 4 elemental damage resistances of your choosing.

    • 04:34:01 Noshir:“Run! Fly you fools!”
    • 04:41:16 Ayden casts Sunburst
    • 04:41:54 Nick:“I don’t need to roll dice.”
      Noshir:“Must be nice.”
    • 04:43:13 BLeeM:“Morning comes.”
      Brennan starts clearing the platform of slain NPCs.
      “Every person that I’m peeling off of the board now is one of the most brilliant mortal wizards that ever lived.”
      Nick:“I was way more psyched when I started that action than I feel now.”
    • 04:45:58 Noshir:“I have never been so babysat in my life.”
    • 04:46:32 All three dragons are killed by the sunburst.
    • 04:48:56 Nick:“That was my action…”
    • 04:51:04 Nick:“You will add 4 damage.”
      BLeeM:“You will add 40 damage.”
      Nick:“You’ll add 80 damage because you do double damage to objects.”
    • 04:52:24 Fan Art Moment Apples, with a divine empowered axe, carves off an entire section of the platform in an attack against a lesser magic ward.
    Divine Awareness

    Truesight. Blindsight. Tremor Sense to 120 ft. Speak and understand all languages spoken and written. Can communicate telepathically with any creature you can see. Immune to Charmed, Frightened, Stunned, Blinded, and Deafened conditions.

    • 04:53:20 Father Milo Cowst disappears with Truesight enabled.
      Nick:“That mother father.”
    • 04:57:43 Selena, blind, baits SILAHA into range by tossing a glass vial (containing an unknown deity) at the Factorum Malleus. Then, casting Wish, absorbs and disseminates the design plans across the entire city of Aeor.
    • 04:59:20 Apples:“I am worthy.”
    • 05:04:11 Emhira’s Eldritch Blast takes out the last aeormaton and the last ward.
    Divine Vigor

    You regain all limited-use class features at the beginning of your turn. You’re immune to exhaustion. After calculating all bonuses, double your speed. You gain 3 Legendary Actions per round.

    • 05:09:50 Asha releases the imprisoned deity from the vial. Arcadia appears saying, “Where is he (Asmodeus)?!”
    • 05:11:00 Apples begins to disanimate and the others’ mortal forms also start to fade away.
    • 05:12:28 *Trist, now The Everlight, loads the sending stone into her son’s slingshot and lets it go to find her family…
      Across an ocean in the land of Gwessar, a bloodied werebear and a burnt dryad fight side-by-side with the champion of the Matron of Ravens. Surrounded by devils who have come to destroy this place. A massive fiend speaks up, “We do love to destroy Her followers most of all.” As the fiend raises a wicked blade over two half-furbolg children, from across an ocean, a brilliant light shines like a star lit on the horizon.
      A stone from a slingshot.
      The fiend’s head is destroyed. There is no chance for redemption here. As the light glows, Topher steps forward, picks up the stone and holds its partner knowing that he will never speak to his mother in this world again. Hailey puts a hand on his shoulder as the devils come, knowing that his slingshot just saved them and that it’s okay to tell a little lie.
      Hailey & Topher:“I love you double triple infinity.”
      The Calamity is not over, but its final chapter has begun.
    • 05:16:16 Tishar and Zaharzht have fled.
    • 05:17:33 Fan Art Moment SILAHA embracing his blinded creator in front of a glowing portal created for an escape.
    • 05:19:44 SILAHA telepathically sends Arcadia/Ioun/Knowing Mistress the “poem beautiful enough to convince someone to kill a god” that he previously absorbed.
    • 05:20:30 Back at the scroll banks Umleta/Spider Queen has fled and Cassida has been brutally killed. Standing over her appears to be her husband Amaris and is revealed to be Asmodeus assuming his form.
      Asmodeus:“You look shocked. I always look like the most beautiful person anyone has ever seen. I’m gonna tell you something now. Before she died, she renounced you. chef's kiss It’s even better than killing a follower.”
      He smiles with a scroll and calls out, “Turn it on them, NOW!” and you see he holds the keys to the Factorum Malleus in his hands.
    • 05:22:44 Beating a 16 for initiative, Everlight is fast enough to destroy the scroll.
    • 05:25:33 *In this chamber, the Emmisary’s work is done. You begin to come out of time stop. The Emissary is filled with light and begins to disanimate. The Knowing Mistress looks at the Arch Heart and Selena (who is about to be destroyed as a mortal) and hears her wish, “Everyone. Everyone. Everyone.”
      Every wizard of flesh and blood within Aeor is seeded by her Wish with the knowledge of how to create the Factorum Malleus. With her Wish she says “Run! Save this knowledge!” The knowledge of the weapon touches every corner of this city.
      As the Emissary disanimates, the Knowing Mistress looks at the Arch Heart as the final blast of energy comes… Above you, the people of Aeor who are left, witness a god whose feet touch the bottom of the ocean and whose head scrapes the top of the sky, call down lightning. The Genesis Ward is cored out; emptied. Every piece of brumestone in the city disenchants. The city lurches horrifyingly to one side. Little arcane engines trying and failing to stop the inevitable. As the city-state of Aeor lists towards a frozen island. The land of Eiselcross.
    • 05:29:48 The Raven Queen meets the Emissary in her realm
      “Find those who are worthy and take them home.”
    • 05:32:19 Arch Heart:“I’d like you to know something. I have never been so proud of something as much as I have been of you. You have created something so beautiful. So pure. A weapon of destruction, yet preservation. You asked for the light? Then go.”
      Selena is pushed through the gate to safety.


    • UltragrampsOPM
      17 months ago
      • 05:33:43 *The mortal forms of the Spider Queen, The Crawling King, and the Ruiner, waiting for their chance to bend this weapon towards all of you are instead destroyed as the energy redirects towards them.
      • 05:36:10 Ayden:“…I wanted to save them.”
        Okay “sunburst”
      • 05:37:38 Asmodeus:“I HATE YOU! And I always will! Forever! Until the stars twinkle out of the sky! Until nothing is left but darkness, I will hate you. Forever.”
      • 05:44:09 Fan Art Moment The Raven Queen embracing Everlight and enfolding them in her wings with the freshly ruined city of Aeor in the background.
      • 05:45:14 We learn Hallis was sent somewhere in Exandria
      • 05:46:43 The sun begins to rise as all ascend. You watch the roiling as the Storm Lord pushing the city. Speeding up. Let none survive this crash.
        Far above, you are joined by your sister who appears in this moment. As your form passes, Wildmother, you appear here above the clouds. The Lawbearer arrives and the Knowing Mistress stands with you.

        “The Lord of Hells will not be long gone. Once the city crashes, they will gather the others and they will know we are here. We should not dawdle long.”
      • 05:48:58 Ioun:"At the last minute, why didn’t you come? (to help finish the mission)
        TLawBs:“For love. If something were to happen to her, I could not break my own rules to save her. So I gave up my son. (to RQ) Thank you for taking care of him.”
        RQ:“He was a pure heart.”
      • 05:50:22 Everlight:“You carry a weight much heavier than all of us. I don’t know how you do it.”
        RQ:“It is the path I chose.”
      • 05:51:54 TLawBs:“We have broken this place.”
        Ioun:“I agree.”
        Everlight:“As do I.”
        Wildmother:“We have. Now what?” Ioun:“There is a way. Our efforts have been half measures. We seek to do as we did before, not to kill our kin who oppose us or place them in realms of their own design that they craft into some torture (perhaps to torment us, I do not know). It will not last unless we close the door behind us.”
        RQ:“This is the only home I’ve ever known.”
        Wildmother:“This is ours. No.”
        TLawBs:“Look how far they came, my love. They almost took it from us by force.”
        Wildmother:“I don’t want to go.”
        RQ:“If we do this, it protects them from the others as well.”
        Dawnfather:“We protect them.”
        TLawBs:“Do we? Look at what you have wrought, Dawnfather.”
        RQ:“I have ushered many souls, this day.”
        TLawBs:“We killed them for being good. My heart is tired.”
      • 05:56:20 Ioun:“…we will address this Calamity. I believe that we can end it. We just must try and be willing to do whatever it takes.”
      • 05:57:34 TLawBs:“A forest with rules…Please tell me all about my son (The Emissary).”
        The Wildmother and Law Bearer depart.
      • 05:58:41 Everlight asks RQ to extend the threads or return the souls of Topher and Hailey and is told it is not possible. The RQ pulls two strong threads into view. “They will do great things and then you will see them again.”
      • 06:01:58 Arch Heart:“You know, in my heart I knew this was all going to happen. I mean, they’re our children after all. They’re gonna go out there, do their own thing. It’s what we did…They will always be with us. Like a scar.”
      • 06:07:31 When first the gods came to Exandria, they came from a realm of eternal possibility. Their first and greatest sacrifice was to become real. Now reflected in that first tragedy, that first calamity, it’s a reflection:
        In short, brief life can even the infinite change, realize, recognize, commit to something new, singular. To move forward on the paths of destiny and fate. Changed. Beautiful as the dawn. We do not see the gods, we only see light.

      MFMM replaces BLeeM
      Endless light. A fractured divine memory, captured in a long lost relic. Bits have cracked and ruined history realized once again. As the light fades, here in this dark subterranean room, the ruination of a great and terrifying city, these memories, they surface once more here in this glistening arcane sphere in the hands of a man born in the lingering fires of what the gods have done.
      Here, the light has echoes.
      Here, who knows the danger these ripples might have.