Tankies gunna tank I guess lol ¯\_(ツ)_/¯

(^The comment I was banned for on /c/Palestine)

  • @A_Very_Big_FanM
    647 months ago

    We don’t really have a theme in this community so it’s not like it doesn’t fit. But we are pretty united in being against tankies, so…

    • @[email protected]
      7 months ago

      Oh lemme be clear I’m not saying it should be removed or anything, I just think it’s a bit of an odd space to warn others about tankie behavior or whatever. I admittedly bristle a bit when I see posts complaining about how something is moderated, and while I know they’re part of forums and what-have-you, I don’t think I’ve seen one posted in 196 like this.

      So I ask outta curiosity, not condemnation.