• @Lost_My_MindOP
    102 months ago

    You should troll your dad. I don’t know if they sell these, but you should see if you can find a “Make Harris Great Again” hat. All red, with white text, in that same font.

    Then take his MAGA hat, and in the place he put it, you place this one. See how long he takes wearing it before he figures it out.

    • Icalasari
      122 months ago

      No MAGA hat. Canadian

      Which makes his support for the GoP even more ridiculous. Also makes me wonder where the fuck he’s getting Fox News since it’s NOT easy to get in Canada, ESPECIALLY before streaming and broadband

      • @Lost_My_MindOP
        82 months ago

        Your father is a weird man. Obsessed with politics of a country that he’s not a part of, in support of a man who wouldn’t piss on him if he were on fire. And now he’s going out of his way to reach a “news network” (airquotes doing some heavy lifting on that one) that only spews a facist agenda.

        Now, in contrast, I would say 100% of Americans have NO IDEA who’s even running for president in Canada, or Mexico. Like…those thoughts are so far from what my brain thinks of, it’s insane. Last night I was wondering which would happen first: A snail traverses an entire city, or a gallon of water evaporates in mild tempatures.

        THAT thought crossed my mind long before thinking of Canadian politics. Sorry Canada, you’re a great country, and I wish I lived there instead of here, but your money is monopoly colored, and your politics are irrelevant on the world stage.

        • Icalasari
          62 months ago

          Yeah. I hate that the GoP virus has infected our country

          Our politics are somewhat relevant though, namely as we’re between you guys and Russia

        • @idiomaddict
          42 months ago

          100%? That’s insulting, lol. Some Americans are informed about international politics, just not most.

      • @garbagebagel
        32 months ago

        It’s Facebook and YouTube probably. My dad is also in Canada and obsessed with American news but he watches CNN on a loop so at least it’s not the MAGA people he’s supporting.

        Still though, worry about your own country. We got our own issues we should be focusing on here.