Conservatives are the people outside of the last frame encouraging the cops to step more on the neck region.

  • @Benjaben
    47 months ago

    I think it depends a lot on the people using the words. People who don’t believe that the systematized slavery as practiced in the US produced long-lasting generational effects, for example, might say that treating people equally moving forward is best. Under that belief system, everyone starts on ~even footing and gets the same opportunities, so actually it’s less fair to make special cases for folks!

    In my view those folks are starting from a deeply flawed premise (and usually one they’ve arrived at in order to justify the worldview they already hold), so their conclusions are worthless. But I think they’d meet the criteria of advocating for equality and against equity, and sincerely mean it. It’s not hypothetical either, I’ve met people like this - depressingly many, in fact.

    • veroxii
      37 months ago

      No-one disagrees with you. I think the point being made is that people who mean equity still call it equality. Until seeing this post I didn’t even know the word equity has this context and this difference to equality and I’m almost 50.

      When most common folk say they support equally I would argue they mean the middle panel of this meme where everyone gets to see.

      • @Benjaben
        37 months ago

        I just don’t agree that most folks mean the middle panel. It really depends who and where you ask. A lot of people have - for example - a big problem with Affirmative Action because it looks like the middle panel - different help given to different people.