Credit to [email protected] for wanting to see a 70’s style Trek. Considered alternate title Star Trek: The Final Funktier

  • James Garner as Captain Maverick
  • John Travolta as Commander Zuko
  • Pam Grier as Lieutenant Foxy
  • Robin Williams as Yeoman Nanu
  • Ann B. Davis as Counselor Ahl’eec
  • Tim Curry as Dr. F.
  • Redd Foxx as Admiral Sanford
  • Kurt Russell as Ensign Plissken
  • Wilford Brimley as Dahar Master Cuae’Kur
    • IninewCrow
      72 months ago

      Beautiful … it even shows that God awful brown beige floral pattern wood accented living room furniture. Only thing missing is the wood paneling.