Conservatives are the people outside of the last frame encouraging the cops to step more on the neck region.

    • @jorp
      57 months ago

      oh hey there’s the trivial argument I was expecting… I’m not going to debate this (at an elementary school level) with you but you might consider that anarchists thought of that believe it or not. You can choose to educate yourself, or you can feel smug.

    • @mojo_raisin
      47 months ago

      Humans existed for well over 200,000 years without government. There is strong evidence of massive settlements that existed for extended periods without any sign of being ruled, just people living and cooperating.

      In fact, it’s the formation of governments that could enforce exploitative economic systems that started the ecological collapse of this planet in the first place. Humans without government live in balance with the rest of the world.

      The idea that humans, to survive and thrive, require the formation of an entity (government/state) that allows the subset of the population in control of the it to exploit the subset not in control of it is a dangerous fallacy.

      • @[email protected]
        47 months ago

        There is strong evidence of massive settlements that existed for extended periods without any sign of being ruled, just people living and cooperating.

        Do you have further reading on this?

        • @mojo_raisin
          17 months ago

          Look up “megasites”, these are large settlements not called cities as they lack signs of being dominated by a subset of themselves. One I’ve heard of is called “Nebelivka” but I believe there are at least a few others known and probably others either not yet found or misunderstood as cities.