“Half of the Israeli public is no longer in favor of the war,” one friend told me Saturday night as we witnessed thousands of Israelis take to the streets to protest the Israeli government under the slogan, “Elections Now.” “Yes, but the other half is all-in, and REALLY in favor,” responded his wife. “And they are the more powerful group.”

She, of course, is right. For months, reports of torture and rape have emerged from Israel’s military base turned torture camp, Sde Teiman, where Israel has imprisoned thousands of Palestinians without charge. I wrote about it in a previous diary earlier this month. Palestinians who have emerged from this torture camp refer to it as the “slaughterhouse” with horrendous tales of torture, rape, abuse, and sleep deprivation being meted out by Israeli prison guards. Nearly 30 Palestinians have died while in Sde Teiman and other prisons, according to the information provided to date.

And while the precise chain of events is unclear, what we do know is that the Israeli military advocate general decided to dispatch the military police to question nine Israeli soldiers on suspicion of gang-raping and sodomizing a Palestinian man from Gaza at Sde Teiman. The man was rushed to the hospital where he exhibited signs of rape, including a ruptured bowel and broken ribs. It would be a mistake to simply think that Israel’s actions in prisons like Sde Teiman came only after October. Since becoming Israel’s national security minister in 2022, ultranationalist Itamar Ben Gvir has made prisons his target, with him authorizing abuse against Palestinians. He has also called for the death penalty to solve problems of overcrowding.

  • FlashMobOfOne
    1322 months ago

    My tax dollars can’t be used to provide universal health care here in America, but they will go to support this, and there’s nothing I can do about it.

    That’s depressing.

    • Maeve
      262 months ago

      there’s nothing I can do about it

      There is something we can do, but it takes unity, courage, willingness/resolve to suffer the consequences, regardless of the results. The first and last components are the hardest to muster, but they can be mustered. Time will tell.

      • @[email protected]
        222 months ago

        Protesting against Israel in the USA quickly gets you pepper sprayed and beaten. This isn’t some theoretical.

        • Maeve
          162 months ago

          And? People died to give us a 40 hour work week and voting rights, for some of us. The 40 hour week is gone and voting rights are shrinking. And neither major party is doing anything but moving miles right, economically. Socially left seems to be throwing a bone, while so many of us are overworked, underpaid, and still couch surfing, living rough and sick or dying. We have hard choices to make.

          • Match!!
            21 month ago

            i have unity, courage, and willingness/resolve to suffer the consequences. what action do i take now, or is the answer supposed to reveal itself?

            • Maeve
              21 month ago

              Find like-minded individuals in your area. Direct action, mutual aid.

              • Match!!
                21 month ago

                thankfully as a well-networkef furry and socialist i have also done this pretty well! now can i end the genocide?

                • @Soggy
                  21 month ago

                  Do you have a big and important enough network to shut down the economy and/or key infrastructure with a general strike? Because that’s the most effective non-violent way.

                  • Match!!
                    11 month ago

                    holy shit you’re right

                    the furries have the power to shut off the Internet…

                • Maeve
                  11 month ago

                  Perhaps you and your friends can devise a plan for… Wait for it… Direct action and mutual aid.

    • @[email protected]
      122 months ago

      And Kamala is poised to choose one of the biggest zionists in the democratic party as her running mate…

      • @[email protected]
        2 months ago

        Kamala isn’t a Zionist. Did you watch her speech she made recently after meeting Netanyahu? And Israel is pissed about what she said! That tells you all you need to know

        Edit: no really, watch it. I can tell you haven’t 😚

        • FlashMobOfOne
          2 months ago

          Respectfully, what matters more to you: a politician’s words or their deeds?

          I’d wager my life savings that Kamala, once elected, will go back on her word and support funding for Israel, just as every president has done even as Israel has become more and more of an apartheid.

          • @Maggoty
            102 months ago

            It’s the best chance we’ve ever had. It would be foolish to punish her for stepping forward on this issue. It would just reinforce the status quo. If she goes back on it we’re just in the same situation. But it’s also possible that she actually holds Netanyahu accountable. She’s the only choice that’s even talked about doing that.

            • FlashMobOfOne
              82 months ago

              It’s possible, but given how presidents have ruled over the last 40 years, exceedingly unlikely. POTUS candidates on the campaign trail make a lot of promises they have no intention of keeping.

              • @Maggoty
                2 months ago

                Yeah. But one way to move the ball ideologically is to eject elect people saying the right things. Eventually they have to actually do something and not just say something.

                If we give up or even try to vote for some 5d genius move where they said A so they mean B then all we ever get is the same old crap.

                Edit- Damn Google… That’s straight up evil.

                • FlashMobOfOne
                  -22 months ago

                  we ever get is the same old crap.

                  Exactly right.

                  All you can do for yourself in this system is invest as much of your money as you can in the stock market, because that is going to be the primary focus of the person we elect, and the only way you’ll get any real measure of representation.

                  • Maeve
                    72 months ago

                    All you can do for yourself in this system is invest as much of your money as you can in the stock market

                    That’s still supporting an abusive system. That’s possibly the brain of the abuser. We can not discard with one hand while clutching, with the other. To leave the abuser means making hard sacrifices, including any “benefits” that keep us bound to the abuser, because this benefits allow the abuser control.

                    We’re not getting out without suffering. It’s a matter of making the decision and having the grit to deal with the unpleasant, but intermediate, consequences. Anything else is lying to ourselves.

                  • @Maggoty
                    22 months ago

                    Until it all collapses right before millennials need it because we gave up working to change anything.

                  • @[email protected]
                    12 months ago

                    invest as much of your money as you can in the stock market

                    So, $0 because my body is too broken to be commodified. Can’t buy anyone’s vote. Sad.

          • @masquenox
            11 month ago

            will go back on her word and support funding for Israel,

            To be kind of honest, I’d say that’s still optimistic - I say they are going to raise the level of support to unprecedented levels. Of course, it would be the exact same thing if Trump won… the only difference being that (so-called) “progressives” wouldn’t be falling over themselves to make all kinds of excuses for it.

            • FlashMobOfOne
              11 month ago

              You’re probably right.

              We have bipartisanship for the absolute worst things.

            • FlashMobOfOne
              82 months ago

              I was optimistic in 2008 and even voted for Obama.

              We saw how that turned out, and with respect to Kamala, I expect the reboot to even worse than original, given the state of things in this country.

              • @[email protected]
                12 months ago

                It just sounds like you would have made this exact comment and line of attack no matter who the Democrats chose, meaning it has nothing to do with Kamala

                • FlashMobOfOne
                  2 months ago

                  These days, absolutely.

                  I don’t think the Democratic or Republican candidates are anything more than useful idiots for the billionaire class, and I think the vast majority of their promises are outright lies.

                  We saw a great example of that over the last 2-3 years, with partisans defending very public cognitive breaks on the part of President Biden, who I personally think should be 25’d out. If he hadn’t had that exceedingly embarrassing incident at the debate, the Democrats and Democratic voters would still be defending him.

                  The Obama and Trump presidencies killed any optimism I have for our country and system of government. Obama was reelected AFTER making sure the big banks suffered no ill effects of willfully destroying our economy for profit. Trump spent more than a year of his presidency (cumulatively) on vacation, and even sold the Oval Office for ad space. (And that was BEFORE he led a literal insurrection on the Capitol.)

                  It’s difficult for me to understand anyone being optimistic, if you’re looking at the last 44 years (and in particular, 16 years) with an objective eye.

                  • @Katana314
                    12 months ago

                    Hot take: 90% of their promises fallen short are because of Republican representatives stonewalling them to make them look incompetent (because their voters don’t follow logic). Vote the Republicans out, and they can get free reign to make real progress.

                  • @[email protected]
                    -42 months ago

                    It’s either Harris or fascism, and it sounds like you’ve already made your choice. Have fun being miserable! #KamalaHarris #BlueWave #NotGoingBack

        • @LinkerbaanOP
          142 months ago

          You mean when she said she will defend israel and uncontionally support israel after israel bombed Lebanon two days ago?

          • sunzu
            92 months ago

            Vote for her! she will stop the genocide, trust me bro

          • @[email protected]
            2 months ago

            You mean like her advocating for an immediate ceasefire, withdrawal of Israel’s military from Gaza entirely, and opening advocating for a two state solution? Which royally pissed off Israel? Remember that?

            • @LinkerbaanOP
              22 months ago

              No I don’t remember that can you link that first claim to me?

                • @LinkerbaanOP
                  52 months ago

                  Oh wow she starts by lying about the start of the Genocide, the death count on oct 7 and then spreads more debunked rape hoax propaganda to justify the Genocide

                  Where’s the part where she mentions witholding weapons to israel to achieve a ceasefire? I hoped you had more than the same finger-wagging we’ve seen from Genocide Joe for the past 9 months. Even the 2state thing is absolutely nothing new. Biden had always pretended to support it while giving israel more weapons to prevent it from happening.

        • @Seasm0ke
          82 months ago

          I saw her release condeming protestors and calling them Hamas supporters.

            • @Seasm0ke
              92 months ago

              I learned that she isnt aware burning the flag is protected as free speech.

        • @[email protected]
          62 months ago

          She is going to choose Josh Shipiro as her running mate. He is a massive Zionist who brought a anti-BDS lawsuit against Ben and Jerry’s for refusing to sell their ice cream in Israel’s illegal settlements.

        • @masquenox
          11 month ago

          Kamala isn’t a Zionist.

          Remind yourself about this conversation when you watch Harris redouble US support for that genocidal little white supremacist regime after November.

      • FlashMobOfOne
        -122 months ago

        We’re going to need a new nickname if she’s elected. Maybe Killmonger Kamala?

        • Match!!
          22 months ago

          yeah but we can wait till after the election