Credit to [email protected] for wanting to see a 70’s style Trek. Considered alternate title Star Trek: The Final Funktier

  • James Garner as Captain Maverick
  • John Travolta as Commander Zuko
  • Pam Grier as Lieutenant Foxy
  • Robin Williams as Yeoman Nanu
  • Ann B. Davis as Counselor Ahl’eec
  • Tim Curry as Dr. F.
  • Redd Foxx as Admiral Sanford
  • Kurt Russell as Ensign Plissken
  • Wilford Brimley as Dahar Master Cuae’Kur
  • verity_kindle
    37 months ago

    I see Captain M. as a smooth talking diplomat/glad hander, but Lt. Foxy and Yeoman Nanu do all the paperwork and reject leola shipments from Starfleet Bureau of Supply. Commander Zuko is blitzed all the time on something, but great at navigation/Astrometrics if you leave him alone.