• @dwalin
    137 months ago

    The same way boeing executives are to blame. They did not order employees to do sub-par cpus, but they did not care about the quality of what was produced either. Good hardware (and software) its always the product of a process that involves QA, HR, Operations, R&D and many other departments. These departments fall under the supervision/control of the executive suite.

    • @veni_vedi_veni
      7 months ago

      Well run cost center departments don’t boost quarterly results, ergo they are deprioritized.

      They are looking out for themselves rather then the company, because of the incentives in place.

      We are living in weird times where stock price doesn’t really correspond with company health, so their actions reflect against that metric against all others.

      • @dwalin
        27 months ago

        I think it was a mindset shift. Right now short term stock value is more important because the shareholder profile also shifted from someone that holded the stock to someone who wants just to turn a quick profit.