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  • StudSpud The Starchy
    51 year ago

    haha I won’t tell either lol. My better-half made this, he’s the cook here haha. I bake sweet things and bread sometimes, and do the dishes, he makes dinner. We like to grab a hunk of pork roast when it’s on special (usually it’s about to go bad, so it can be quite cheap). We’ll roast it and then use it in our meals for a week or so. It’s a good way to make sure we get protein and whatnot :)

    • CEOofmyhouse56
      31 year ago

      Bloody oath. I’m a lamb girl but my man would happily step over a dead body for roast pork. I’d love to see more of your’s and your partner’s creations please.

          • @[email protected]
            21 year ago

            Oh me too along with rosemary and mint seasoning or even just plain old salt. Medium rare and all juicy.


                  • @[email protected]
                    21 year ago

                    I haven’t tried cooking pork before. Maybe I should give it a shot though lately I’ve been feeling like I want some chicken.

      • StudSpud The Starchy
        31 year ago

        I’ll try to remember to take photos haha I usually remember after I have finished the meal heheh. This time I managed to hold off for long enought to snap this. When I make bread and pizza dough again, I’ll post my recipes (I do it from memory and feel, so it’s best if I note it while I make it hahah)