Welcome to the Melbourne Community Daily Discussion Thread.

Bot #001 has identified today as Wed

  • Aradina [She/They]
    181 year ago

    Further update for anyone who saw my previous posts:

    I haven’t gotten the message telling me I’ve been accepted, but my payment in my Centrelink online account has swapped to Disability Support Pension. This is such a huge load off my shoulders. I finally made it.

    Payment schedule is odd, my “last payment” listed says 13th of July, but I received my $33 telephone allowance just after midnight tonight, which is odd since that was meant to arrive tomorrow. My first listed payment(the 13th of July “last payment” one) also has reduced pension payment but 3x the rent assistance and pension supplement on it. Very weird.

    Still have to wait on Centrelink’s letter to see if I have any mutual obligations, but I’m so happy. I think I’ll get some backpay to my claim date, but some people have said online that they only backpay if the claim took over 6 months, or had to be appealed. So I’m not sure. Still. Happy.

    • Rusty Raven M
      71 year ago

      That’s awesome news for you. Dealing with Centrelink is such a pain, it’s great to actually get some good out of it.

    • @[email protected]
      51 year ago

      While I was on the Disability Support Pension I only had to apply for 12 jobs which was nice. I still had to go in to so my provider and such, but they were nice enough where if I say “I can’t, I am in a lot of pain” she’d be like “okay I’ll reschedule”. But I still wish I could’ve just had phone call appointments… sigh.

      But this is very exciting for you! It felt so good when I got my backpay back in early 2020.

    • PeelerSheila
      51 year ago

      Congratulations! I know what it’s like waiting for Centrelink to do anything 🙄

  • @[email protected]
    171 year ago

    I just got an email from my supervisor saying that my thesis is almost there. About one more week of concentrated effort and then it’ll be done. Then I’ll have my final month to just proofread, check the citations, format and do all the frontmatter nonsense. I’m so happy I could cry.

    • @[email protected]
      51 year ago

      dude, life post thesis is amazing. its not like you earn any more money or anything, but just NOT THINKING ABOUT YOUR THESIS is amazing. youre so close!

      • @[email protected]
        11 year ago

        I’m already fantasising about all the things I’m going to do with all the time I’ll have once my life is no longer filled with existential dread. Mostly I just want to sleep and close all the fucking Taylor & Francis tabs that are open on my web browser constantly 😭

        I have enjoyed the entire process and I love my research but I am just very much not having a good time at the moment. And from what all my colleagues tell me, when you start feeling like you want to die, that’s how you know you’ve entered the end game with it.

  • Rusty Raven M
    151 year ago

    I just won Metro lotto - arrived at the station as the train was pulling up, and got a forward facing window seat.

  • @[email protected]
    151 year ago

    While the daily thread is awesome, has anyone noticed how the rest of Lemmy feels like reddit years ago? Way less anger and arguments about who is technically correct etc… It’s just more fun.

    I browsed popular on reddit today and suddenly loads of them are rateme or amiugly etc… that were never in that feed full of incel neck beard reply’s. I like it here :)

    • @[email protected]
      1 year ago

      Some of us remember when Reddit was a lot like this. Smaller, a bit more techie, lots more laid back than it is today.

      I’m also a little scared that this will end up like Reddit. Not totally scared, because there’s no single company trying to maximise your engagement with rage bait and dopamine. But a little scared what 100 million users would bring.

    • Pudding
      31 year ago

      Feels a bit mIRC spec. Not the look but the vibe of the thing. Happy memories.

    • Hongohones
      21 year ago

      Felt like reddit today when I was called unhinged and blocked people lol. But it’s definitely a much nicer vibe overall.

  • @[email protected]
    141 year ago

    Competed in another marathon axe throwing tournament on Sunday. The level of competition was crazy, 12 out of 19 people hitting the max score throughout the day, i hit it 6 times, the top guy hit it 12 times. Finished the round robin in 3rd and then after an incredibly tough finals came home with 3rd place. Everything is really coming together, i have a 1st, 2nd and 3rd in the last 3 major comps ive entered and its all great practice for Sydney in September :)

    • @[email protected]
      61 year ago

      heeeeyyyy nice to see you here. congrats on the results: ive been to maniax a few times this year mostly for friends’ birthdays etc, and its actually pretty hard to improve, so nice one!

      • @[email protected]
        31 year ago

        Nice to see you too :) Yeh it can be tough, small adjustments can make big differences and trying to be consistent is the key :)

    • @[email protected]
      11 year ago

      Interesting! What distance(s?) do you normally throw in the competitive scene?

      If you win in Sydney do you then have to compete against Jason Momoa? 😊

  • Pudding
    141 year ago

    Wow I must be old… Took me a while to figure out how to get here. What? Get off my lawn.

  • @[email protected]
    1 year ago

    I’ve arrived at my cousins place out west that I’m catsitting at for the next month. It’s one of those soulless rabbit warren new estates but the house itself is actually really nice (they supervised the build and did a lot of rectifications) Cat is fairly happy with her own company but still appreciates a human to dish out the wet food

    Despite a second physio visit my neck and shoulders are still feeling awful. Flat out of money until i get paid tomorrow night, but on top of buying me groceries of my exact favourite brands and leaving the house in a very clean and cozy state, my cousin and partner have very generously left a $500 gift card. What a lovely feeling. Going to use that on a massage this weekend. I’m disgustingly exhausted …

  • PeelerSheila
    121 year ago

    Day 18 of exercise program and day 3 of 10 day tummy challenge completed. I’m already feeling like I can walk a little straighter! Which is great because I’m a real sloucher.

    • Rusty Raven M
      71 year ago

      Good work😊. I’m on a rest day from the weights today, but will have lots of walking.

  • @[email protected]
    121 year ago

    I have way too many things to do, so of course I’m not doing any of them because I don’t know where to start. Small bites. Getting dressed is a good start. I’ve already scrubbed the shower and washed my hair. Dressed, dry hair, clean floors is next.

    • PeelerSheila
      51 year ago

      Hey that’s great, you’ve already done heaps! I like to write a “done” list as much as a “to do” list. It helps me feel a bit more accomplished.

      • @[email protected]
        51 year ago

        Got most it done in a bizarre order, now to chill out for a bit… D4, come at me!! What’s the name of the exercise challenges you’ve been doing? I’m really interested in the tummy one! I need to work on my core and your comment about standing straighter really struck me!

        • PeelerSheila
          31 year ago

          They’re at about the 16:15 mark in this video. It’s worth watching the whole thing if you’ve got the time… I learnt a lot that I didn’t know about how to exercise correctly. I always managed to hurt my back doing sit-ups and didn’t know why. I’m not strong enough to do the first one (basic planking) without arching or sagging but the other ones he does are the ones I’ve been doing. They seem easy but do enough of them and you’ll feel it where it counts.

  • StudSpud The Starchy
    1 year ago

    Zoning out with my jeans halfway up my thighs,
    Sitting on the couch, waiting for the sunrise.
    Gonna leave the house, these walls I despise,
    Though I’m loathe to leave, I must break these ties.

    I’ve been in good company, while all by myself,
    I should break these walls, I should reach out,
    But I don’t see the point, I’m full of self-doubt.
    I know I’ll feel better,
    If I accept this offer.
    But they could do better,
    What do I have to offer?
    Am I really so human to be around others?
    Can I be carefree, can I not be a bother?
    Ignore that aversion!
    Maybe I’m cool in person…
    There’s only one way to know:
    I have to get up and go.

    Edit: Image Description: white/tabby cat on my clothing rack. He has a look of slight worry as his backfeet (not pictured) fall between the rungs.

  • StudSpud The Starchy
    111 year ago

    Since we’re doing dinner posts, image ID: blue bowl of stirfry veggies and pork on rice, and a Temple Brewing Co. Okinawa Sour.

    Left over pork from a roast we did to put meat in out dishes. Very filling :)

    I hope everyone is having a nice night, sending you all my love 💜

    • CEOofmyhouse56
      41 year ago

      Oooooo. I’m not gonna tell the man that you got pork and he got tuna. You and your meal are fucking awesome.

      • StudSpud The Starchy
        51 year ago

        haha I won’t tell either lol. My better-half made this, he’s the cook here haha. I bake sweet things and bread sometimes, and do the dishes, he makes dinner. We like to grab a hunk of pork roast when it’s on special (usually it’s about to go bad, so it can be quite cheap). We’ll roast it and then use it in our meals for a week or so. It’s a good way to make sure we get protein and whatnot :)

        • CEOofmyhouse56
          31 year ago

          Bloody oath. I’m a lamb girl but my man would happily step over a dead body for roast pork. I’d love to see more of your’s and your partner’s creations please.

              • @[email protected]
                21 year ago

                Oh me too along with rosemary and mint seasoning or even just plain old salt. Medium rare and all juicy.


          • StudSpud The Starchy
            31 year ago

            I’ll try to remember to take photos haha I usually remember after I have finished the meal heheh. This time I managed to hold off for long enought to snap this. When I make bread and pizza dough again, I’ll post my recipes (I do it from memory and feel, so it’s best if I note it while I make it hahah)

    • @[email protected]
      31 year ago

      Yum yum there and I hope the can of brew you have is nice too!

      Also feeling better after I ate some pasta my side still hurts some.

      • StudSpud The Starchy
        11 year ago

        I’m glad you’re feeling better, friend! Hopefully it resolves fully soon :)

        I love pasta, such a fantastic invention!

        • @[email protected]
          21 year ago

          Thanks. I was going to post about it but I might as well just write here in reply to you.

          I was burping pretty much all day and was really uncomfortable though the pain last night has me wincing so much I needed to go to bed with a heat pack.

          I have an idea why it happened. My workplace replaced sugar with a sweetener and that could be what’s causing my issues and bloating.

          It’s the only thing that’s really changed in my diet and it was the first day of using that sweetener in my coffee.

          • StudSpud The Starchy
            21 year ago

            Oh damn! Crazy how such a small change like that can mess us up. Sweetner is gross to me. I hope it goes away soon, must be mighty uncomfortable. Be kind to yourself and take it easy, friend 💜

            • @[email protected]
              31 year ago

              It’s only a guess to be totally honest. Tomorrow I’ll have to figure out how to get sugar for my coffees at work. I suspect I’ll be packing some in a zip lock bag for tomorrow till I go shopping to fill a jar I have at work.

              If it’s not that then I don’t know what would have caused my little indigestion.

              Oh it really quite bad last night but today it’s not as bad but still annoying.

              Thanks for the well wishes! I might go make a hot tea, might help some.

  • @[email protected]
    101 year ago

    IMAX tickets for Oppenheimer acquired! The last time I was IMAX I was with a bunch of mates watching Inception and I remember it being such an awesome experience so hopefully it’s just as good (or better) this time around.

      • @[email protected]
        21 year ago

        Oh that would have been good to see! I watched it at home on my tv and fell asleep midway so maybe if I saw it at IMAX I would’ve stayed awake :D

      • @[email protected]
        31 year ago

        Yeah we had to book Tues afternoon tickets cause all there were no good seats left in the evening shows (as in seats in the prime locations)

        • @[email protected]
          21 year ago

          It looks interesting from the ads I saw. I hope you got some good seats and enjoy the film!

          Been awhile since I’ve done a midweek cinema trip though.

      • @[email protected]
        21 year ago

        That’s how IMAX is supposed to work - you’re seated close to the screen so it fills a substantial part of your peripheral vision. It works very well for content shot specifically for IMAX, but films intended for conventional cinemas don’t work so well, and you need to keep turning your head to look around the screen.

        • @[email protected]
          11 year ago

          Yep. Was a bit of a pain but someone invited me along so I didn’t get to choose the seats.

          Hurt a bit craning my neck from side to side but it was still a good watch.

  • @[email protected]
    1 year ago

    It’s like early spring out here. Sun warm, wind not too cold. Went out in short sleeves for lunchtime walk and not cold.

    • StudSpud The Starchy
      1 year ago

      El Niño has been declared this season,
      The Sun warms us up, that’s the reason.
      It’ll be hot and dry, oh so relatable,
      La Niña was humid and fucked, oh so excitable.
      Witness the symptoms of our climate attack,
      She’s left and El Niño is here bringing sweaty back.

      edit: corrected :)