• @FlexibleToast
    267 months ago

    What? You two both are talking like you don’t have a clue what you’re talking about. Tim Walz was a Command Sergeant Major, which makes him an E9. This is no longer an NCO, this is a SNCO or Senior Non Commissioned Officer. You also don’t salute any enlisted members; E1 or E9, it doesn’t matter, you don’t salute them. Becoming E9 is quite prestigious though as it is the only enlisted rank to get DV status at bases (at least Air Force bases which I can attest to having spent 10 years in the Air Force myself).

    • @betterdeadthanreddit
      37 months ago

      Maybe not in the air force but it’s totally a thing for secret agent Delta Recon SEAL Raider Green Berets like aodhswhateverthefuck up there. They’re so elite, they’ll even salute civilians.

      • @FlexibleToast
        57 months ago

        Lol, I don’t think they ever claimed to be the military. They’re both just confidently incorrect. Technically, there is one civilian who regularly gets saluted, the president.

        • @betterdeadthanreddit
          37 months ago

          That’s a fair point, I was just enjoying the image of the average “I was gonna join but…” doing sloppy dive rolls down supermarket aisles and saluting anything that moved.