Including an official lenovo definition of among us

    • @YourMomsTrashman
      37 months ago

      I searched around trying to double check it, and the first related thing I found was this same ‘glossary entry’ :|

      • @[email protected]
        37 months ago

        I went to a trivia night at a local bar with a guy from high school and his family. We were in contention for the top. The whole night I was useless, since most of the questions were about European sports legends or actors or singers from the 20th century. The guy starts feeling up the last question:

        “This is a tricky one and one of my favorites. Going to the realm of technology… What is the name for a unit of measurement, named after a Disney character, which is related to how far your mouse moves?”

        The whole family looks at me, cause I’m known to be a tech guy.

        Complete blank. Flustered. Uhhh uhmmm it’s called DPI? Pointer speed?? Is there a Disney character called Peter Pointer?..

        We lost. They were disappointed, but not as disappointed as I was in myself.

        Went up to the trivia guy at the end to ask him to show his sources. He pulled up a legit looking wikipedia article so I accepted my defeat.