Mashing up three quotes from three different episodes for your enjoyment.

  • @ummthatguy
    1 month ago

    Check out TNG “Masks” s7e17

    • Windows_Error_Noises
      131 month ago

      In addition: Please, only check out TNG “Masks” s7 Ep.17. if - -

      You’re fully prepared to laugh at the absurdity of where TNG has gotten to by the tail end of season 7, and/or, you want a surrealist nightmare of the Enterprise set being turned into a 1980s rich person’s indoor pool aesthetic of stepped tile, fake plants and Terra-cotta, the whole cast getting a little tired of the writers not quite conveying the motif they set out for, and Brent Spiner just showing off what a magnificent silly bastard he really is.

      Okay… maybe I need to watch Masks, again.

      • @[email protected]
        111 month ago

        Season 7 TNG really is incredible in many ways.

        • Masks, as mentioned
        • Cellular peptide cake
        • Enterprise becomes conscious, imagines itself as a train, and has a baby
        • Beverly’s Nan’s haunted erotic candle
        • Spider-Barclay
        • And more!
          • Windows_Error_Noises
            41 month ago

            “It’s not like Dan to take his own life!” …Lol, as opposed to, what?

            A technically correct, but awkwardly contextualized line that competes with:

            Dukat to Winn: “I’ve never seen you look so radiant!” …Never? Never, ever? Buddy, you’ve known her for like, a week…

        • AwkwardLookMonkeyPuppet
          41 month ago

          And then they somehow managed to end it all with an amazing finale, despite all that weirdness.

    • AwkwardLookMonkeyPuppet
      41 month ago

      It’s a brilliant performance by Spiner, and you can tell he’s having a blast, but it’s a terrible episode. I’d put it second behind Parma Rosa or whatever the fuck the candle one is called. Season 7 has some real stinkers near the end, but the finale is amazing.

      • @ummthatguy
        41 month ago

        Spiner was given a great opportunity to stretch his legs and I’d say he made good use.

        But as has been pointed out, season 7 was a dumping ground for leftover stories.