An important question this article ignores, is why private school vouchers are chosen over public schools?

    • @jacksilver
      141 month ago

      What happens when all schools are more expensive then the vouchers? We saw that happen with higher education, where reducing the state funded option has put the cost of college out of reach for many. Is the idea going forward that education will not be guaranteed?

      • NeuromancerM
        -81 month ago

        If the private schools outpaced the public then people would still have the public option. The voucher programs I’ve seen suggested are based on the spending in a public school which is often double to triple of a private school.

        • @jacksilver
          101 month ago

          These aren’t closed systems. If private schools become more expensive (because vouchers will work like student loans), it will make the cost of schooling in general more expensive (faculty wages, materials, supplies, etc.).

          Hell, just look at Arizona and you can see that there is a serve lack of understanding of the cost impact vouchers will have. They originally expected it to save money, now it’s half of their budget’s deficit.

          • @[email protected]
            71 month ago

            What? A real world example of school vouchers in action?

            the program takes money away from the district schools that educate 90% of Arizona’s K-12 students and that universal vouchers are essentially a subsidy for wealthy parents who were already sending their children to private schools before vouchers were available to them.

            How is this more choice? Seems like less.

            “Failure to rein in these costs means critical areas of state government expenditures will be cut to balance the budget,”

            So the actual result is a huge state budget deficit and less services for everyone. Huh. So why would anyone want this?

          • NeuromancerM
            -111 month ago

            They won’t work like student loans. There is no debt other than what the government borrows. All they have to do is cap the vouchers at the price public schools pay per student and the locks the cost. Right now private schools are cheaper in 43 out of 50 states.

            • @jacksilver
              101 month ago

              You should really read up more about how student loans caused the cost of college to grow so fast.

              In simple terms, they pumped more money into the system. For grade school, if private schools can charge families 10k per student, if you introduce 7k vouchers, then the schools know they can charge closer to 17k. It would be silly to not leverage the vouchers as a means to siphon government money

              • NeuromancerM
                -91 month ago

                Students loans are separate issue unrelated to school vouchers. Since you can borrow almost unlimited funds, schools went to town hiring more unneeded positions and increased the cost

                Student vouchers are limited in value. A school would only be able to charge the value of the voucher or the parent would choose public school.

                • @jacksilver
                  71 month ago

                  Most (I think all) school vouchers only subsidize the cost of private schools. Which in turn makes the situation more dangerous for costs to escalate. Unlike with student loans (which do have a hard cap), most voucher programs are for set amounts meaning schools can price gouge more effectively.

                  Obiousky I won’t convince you otherwise, but I would recommend reading more about how voucher programs, student loans, and equity in education work. Private schools certainly have their place, but education is fundamental to the well being of any society so changes should be taken carefully.

                  • NeuromancerM
                    -71 month ago

                    Most programs if seen is it’s an all or nothing program. If the school cost 11k and your voucher is 10k then your kid goes to public school or you pay 11k out of pocket. It’s to prevent cost from escalating.

                    I have not seen a voucher program suggested that allows you spend over the voucher. Doesn’t mean they are not out there but that’s not what I’ve supported in the past.

    • @breadsmasher
      111 month ago

      Are you implying that only those who attend private school are the future, and public school attendees are not?

      • NeuromancerM
        -111 month ago

        Eventually we will eliminate the public school system with a variety of choices.

            • @breadsmasher
              1 month ago

              Instead of government funding the education of the population (the current quality being a different topic) you would prefer all education to be privately paid for? In effect removing all education from everyone except those who can afford it?


              “a variety of choices” is just “private schools”?

              • NeuromancerM
                -71 month ago

                Not sure you understand what a voucher is. Do you understand how vouchers work?

                • @breadsmasher
                  101 month ago

                  Do you understand what “a variety of choices” means?

                  • NeuromancerM
                    -81 month ago

                    Yes I do. You don’t seem to grasp a voucher is public money that allows parents to choose the school that’s best for their children

                    They could spend those vouchers on a public school but why? They’d get more value at any other school

      • @[email protected]
        -71 month ago

        The cost per pupil for a k-12 education is almost twice as much in public schools vs private. Twice the money and half the results.

        Why do you want to waste money on a failing system?

        • SatansMaggotyCumFart
          91 month ago

          Do you have a source to back up this claim because it’s completely reversed from anything I’ve seen and I’d like to understand it better.

            • SatansMaggotyCumFart
              1 month ago

              I thought you said average prices, not one state four years ago.

              Edit to add: 2020 doesn’t compare to 2024 prices. This is an apples and oranges comparison.

                • SatansMaggotyCumFart
                  61 month ago

                  Quality source, thank you.

                  How do you see the vouchers working?

                  A flat rate per student or based on the tax you contribute?

                  • NeuromancerM
                    -61 month ago

                    The only way I see them working is they are limited and possibly income based.

                    Meaning if the voucher is worth 10k. You can only spend 10k. You can pay more. That’ll encourage schools to keep their prices down. If someone wants to send their kids to an 11k school they have to pay the whole 11k.

                    I don’t know the right dollar amount but there should be a cap. Right parents are often sending their kids to private schools anyway. The goal of vouchers is to push bottom scoring schools to do better or another way is you only get vouchers if you school is scoring in a certain category.

                    The school I attended was one of the top in the nation. My family was poor but hypothetically we shouldn’t be offered vouchers due to the quality of education provided.

                    I see inner cities getting the most benefit but rural America will still struggle. That’s a tough nut to crack since the population density is low.

              • @[email protected]
                -51 month ago

                Ohio is spending more per pupil in 2024, they are above $14,000 but I’m having trouble finding the report. The trend is still the same it’s significantly more to educate a kid in public school.

        • NeuromancerM
          -71 month ago

          What is insane is the left says we should be more like Sweden. When you agree and say we should do vouchers, they melt down. We spend way too much money on education with poor results. Too much ideology in public schools and not enough education. Back when my kid was in high school; they kept going on about sex , gender and how republicans are bad. The school academics were horrible. We pulled her out and put her in a private school. Her standardized testing scores sky rocketed up. Best thing we ever did.

          • SatansMaggotyCumFart
            101 month ago

            Who has spoken about Sweden besides you?

            My kids spend more time with me then at school and they have a solid foundation and an ability to think critically, I’m not afraid of any scary knowledge they might learn from school, friends, the internet or any other source that I wouldn’t be able to control the rest of their lives and wouldn’t want to anyways.

            • NeuromancerM
              -71 month ago

              The left never says we should be more like Sweden?

              Who said anything about scary knowledge? It’s the lack of focus on academics.

              • SatansMaggotyCumFart
                81 month ago

                It’s really hard to have a conversation with you when you skip past anything I say.

                • NeuromancerM
                  -71 month ago

                  I replied to your statement. When you build straw men, don’t get upset when they are knocked down.

          • @P00ptart
            81 month ago

            They don’t teach that Republicans are bad. They figure that out for themselves using critical thinking since they’re not indoctrinated with all that “god” bs in school.

            • NeuromancerM
              -61 month ago

              Not that was an actual class lesson. Packed her ass up and sent her to a private school.

              • @P00ptart
                71 month ago

                No it wasn’t. Just because you took offense to historical accuracy, doesn’t mean that there was some specific lesson plan to say Republicans are bad.

                • NeuromancerM
                  -91 month ago

                  Are you still fuming that we took your slaves away and that’s makes us bad people?

                  • @P00ptart
                    81 month ago

                    Modern Republicans and Republicans of the era are nothing alike and you know it. Republicans are trying to bring back slavery in the form of prison labor.

        • @jacksilver
          91 month ago

          If there isn’t a natural monopoly effect. Look at utilities or Healthcare. Things largely dictated by location (and/or job) can’t support multiple offerings.

          How are parents who can’t drive their kids to school everyday going to take advantage of these choices? Vouchers/private schools will create a two tiered system.

      • NeuromancerM
        -81 month ago

        Public school have become indoctrination centers for anti-American ideology. They focus less on education and more of incorrect ideology.

        Parents need a choice to get schools to focus more on education and not on unpopular ideology.

        What stops many people from sending their kids to a private school is lack of money. Vouchers will fix that problem.

        That’s why I sent my kid to private school.

        • @P00ptart
          91 month ago

          You sent your kids to private school so that they can “learn” that earth is 6000 years old, and the creation myth. Hindering their chances at any future.

            • SatansMaggotyCumFart
              71 month ago

              I asked you why you want to defund them and not improve them.

              Is your answer because you don’t agree with them and don’t like them, so you want to cancel them?

              • NeuromancerM
                -51 month ago

                I clearly explained that. Which part of competing with other schools for student would force them improve confused you ?