• @ElectricTrombone
    57 months ago

    Huh? I thought there was a bump out on the GBC cartridge that prevented you from inserting it into a Game Boy? Also the notch cut out of the corner that prevents the power switch from operating. Am I mis-remembering?

    • Wilmo Bones
      57 months ago

      The original large gameboys had a lock that utilized the slot via the power switch. The pocket removed the lock therefore allowing the non slotted Color games to be used in a pocket gameboy.

    • @Willie
      7 months ago

      There was a bump out, but I don’t think it physically stopped you from putting the cartridge into the console, I don’t have a GameBoy on me to check right now though. You’re right about the missing notch though, but that would only stop you from starting it on the original Gameboy and not the Gameboy Pocket or Super Gameboy. I know for sure I saw the Pokemon Crystal error screen when I tried to play it on the wrong device after being able to play Pokemon Gold on the older hardware.

      Maybe I’m the one misremembering?

      • @ElectricTrombone
        27 months ago

        Oh you said Gameboy Pocket. I forgot about those. I never had one so I’m not sure.