• peopleproblems
    17 months ago

    Ok so presume I am doing level 2, how do I get interactions to respond to

    • zerozaku
      37 months ago

      I think they happen naturally if you are visiting same place weekly at the same time. The waiter/cashier/or anyone who is regular to that coffee shop would try to initiate some interaction with you.

      • @[email protected]
        27 months ago

        This is a good idea. Also if you find an employee that is nice. Tell them the truth. You are trying to work on socializing. You’d be surprised a lot of people really are happy to help you if you ask for help 💜

    • @[email protected]
      17 months ago

      I’ve found when I’m feeling comfortable in public I notice other people’s belongings and can relate it to why I might want to interact with them.

      Like if at the store I see someone with a band T-shirt I like I’ll try to just mention to them I’m a big fan and like their shirt. Is it gonna crate a friendship? Who the fuck knows. But I spoke to a stranger. And it wasn’t weird it felt friendly and nice 😊

      • peopleproblems
        17 months ago

        Actually the one time I spoke to a girl in the past 6 months was about her BMW. We actually had a good short conversation. What was funny is that when I asked her “hey, is that your BMW?” Because I didn’t see her get out of it - her response was “Yes, why?!?!” In a bit of a panic. So even bumpy landings work.

        Thanks for that bit.

        Maybe I’ll go to a local coffee place and just order my white chocolate mocha, and do it enough to say things to people.

        • @[email protected]
          17 months ago

          Yes! People might respond with initial anxiety and fear. Simply due to surprise. But I’ve found smiling and calm tone can help transfer that into a normal exchange rather than me freaking out internally this person now thinks I’m a rapist/murder cause I said hello 😆