So they say that sitting too much shortens your life and all that. They also say that most of us sit incorrectly. I know I do. I constantly slide my butt forward and slouch. And I was thinking, what I need is a seat belt to keep me from sliding forward. But such a thing doesn’t seem to exist. There must be some problem with them that I am missing. Since Lemmy has lots of desk jockeys, I figured I would ask here.

  • @Modern_medicine_isntOP
    17 months ago

    Sure, but I already have significant muscle problems… But I wasn’t looking for a harness, more like a belt that would be uncomfortable if I tried to slide my butt forward. So more like a reminder…

    • @ch00f
      7 months ago

      There are solutions for this, but they’re a little more abstract. Like some people sit on yoga balls instead of chairs. They force you to keep your muscles engaged all the time lest you fall over.

      They even have some designed to be desk chairs.

      There are also sit/stand desks.

    • @papalonian
      47 months ago

      When I had really bad posture and decided to start fixing it I would just set a timer for like 5 minutes, when it goes off posture check and reset, once you get used to it do ever 15 minutes, then 30 etc… now years later if I slouch in my chair for more than a few minutes it feels really uncomfortable and I sit back up