I’m looking at making a new printer. I’m thinking a core XY similar to a Voron, but I would be making it from scratch. I’m looking for something I can make reliable and accurate. I want to print PLA, ABS, TPU and more. I have a bunch of parts now that I would stick to.

235mm heated bed Revo hot end Nema 17 motors. BTT E3 mini, although I could use my SKR3 instead.

The easiest would be a bed slinger, but I am open to a Trident style. I like unique and challenging things.

What new features should I include? What should I avoid?

  • @NickKnight
    25 months ago

    My personal hatred of Core XY not withstanding that sounds like an awesome idea. Belt printer? Maybe at a 45 degree slant to avoid support and overhang issues?

      • directive0
        45 months ago

        I too would like to hear some hot takes on core xy