I’m glad there is no money in the Federation. Unless you count credits. Which are not money. Unless you use thousands of them to pay the Barzans. Or give them to Starfleet officers to buy things like tribbles and drinks at Quark’s.

  • @Wrench
    27 months ago

    Yet, people still work normal jobs on earth. You have people serving tables because they feel like it? Families like the Picards that have vast orchards and a huge manse for generations?

    The utopia has never really made sense outside of starfleet having their own internal economy that’s basically only limited by raw resources for energy to construct more starships / space stations.

    • Maven (famous)
      37 months ago

      As for the first one… Yes! People run restaurants and such because they enjoy it.

      This is most notable with Siskos dad who is very upset on any day he can’t work because his work makes him happy.