Russian President Vladimir Putin has seemingly invited conservatives chafing under “neoliberal ideals” in their home countries to move to Russia, where he claimed “traditional values reign supreme,” and Alex Jones suggested he might take him up on the offer.

The Russian president signed a decree offering assistance to foreigners seeking temporary residence in his country and expanding the quota approved by the nation’s government and setting aside a requirement for knowing the Russian language, history and basic laws, and Jones urged his followers to consider sanctuary there.

  • @DevCatOP
    23 days ago

    Please take them. Please, please, please take them all.

    What they don’t know is that they’ll immediately be sent to Ukraine. One-way ticket probably.

    • ALQ
      5723 days ago

      Sunflowers are much prettier and far more useful than whatever crap Jones and his cronies spew.

        • @Chocrates
          1523 days ago

          He makes most of his money shilling his pills, I think the gold sellers just pay him for air time

          • @[email protected]
            1123 days ago

            Don’t start splitting inconsequential hairs with me, buddy! Episode 765 of Knowledge Fight reviews Tim Fruge’s deposition in which he discusses the silver coins they had stored in the wearhouse (if I remember correctly. It’s been over a year since I heard this episode). Just because he makes most of his money from pills doesn’t mean he can’t also have silver coins.

            • @Chocrates
              723 days ago

              Lol I’m not worthy!

              Was just listening to the new KF today!

              • @[email protected]
                223 days ago

                I haven’t tuned in much lately, mostly because so little changed about AJ in the aftermath of the lawsuit. Also, my commute went from 30-45 minutes down to 10-15

                How’s the new content? Should I start tuning in again or stick with Behind the Bastards?

                • @Chocrates
                  323 days ago

                  Eh nothing super important. Alex is laundering money through his dad very transparently and Alex already started sandy hook denying.

                  There was one episode a few weeks ago where it seemed like some bankruptcy thing was progressing and Alex had a real spicy episode.

                  All in all it is kinda a slow period yeah.

    • @mriguy
      3623 days ago

      Oh no, absolutely they shouldn’t go! That would be so terrible for all of us progressives. Once they leave and take all their useful skills with them we absolutely will fail as a country and will cry tears of shame that we ever questioned them. That would show us so hard. We would be so owned!

    • @takeda
      2623 days ago

      My bet is that more likely some of them will suddenly be caught with drugs, accused of spying and other made up crimes and sentences to 15 years in prison.

      Then they will get exchanged with the US for war criminals.

      • @frickineh
        3223 days ago

        Anyone who moves there for “sanctuary” should automatically be left out of prisoner exchanges. Though I suspect they’re more useful as propaganda tools to talk about how much better Russia is than the US.

      • John Richard
        823 days ago

        My guess is they’ll get sent off to war & then killed by American weapons. How ironic!

        • @Boddhisatva
          623 days ago

          What other use would Putin have for them?

    • @jedibob5
      23 days ago

      A lot of the far-right chuds that would take Putin up on this offer are well above combat age. Now, using these people to make up the labor shortfall caused by the Ukraine war? I can absolutely see that one.

      Either that, or he’d just pamper them in exchange for utilizing them as propaganda mouthpieces for his regime.

      • @[email protected]
        23 days ago

        The russians are sending undesirables to die, regardless of age. They have been luring people from abroad for some time now. Promises of jobs and on arrival you get put on a truck to Ukraine.

    • @phoneymouse
      422 days ago

      This is spot on. lol, my first thought was Putin is going to put them on the front line in Ukraine.