Just in case you had any doubt about whether he intends to stage another coup attempt if he loses.

  • @expatriado
    387 months ago

    awww, he didn’t care about me for 3.5 years but now before the upcoming most-likely-to-lose elections he does, so we’re good -these traitors probably

    • @UnderpantsWeevil
      107 months ago

      Republicans have been pretty enthusiastic in defending and absolving their fascist street thug friends. Abbott recently pardoned Daniel Perry, a guy who showed up to a BLM march and shot a woman pushing her boyfriend’s wheelchair, on the grounds that she appeared threatening to him.

      Trump judges have been generally more lenient to J6ers when possible, leveeing minimal sentences when they cannot simply acquit the defendants.

      And these guys have received millions in money from private far-right donors to finance their legal defense.