For example, for me, I would *love* a new Populous game based from what was done in Populous 3. That, and a new SimCity based on SimCity 4!

  • CheeseCakeCat
    96 months ago

    Watch Dogs. It’s without a doubt my favorite video game franchise of all time and it saddens me that there hasn’t been any sign of a new game being in development at all. I’d love if the game went back to its roots by following the first entries formula, but that’s just a minor preference and at this point I’d take anything.

    • @Lost_My_Mind
      76 months ago

      I remember at one point I tried taking the original on PS3 to gamestop to trade in. They offered $0.10.

      I was so insulted by the offer, I’ve never once gone back to trade anything else in. That was like 10 years ago.