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Another week in the books. Let’s chat about manga in the general discussion thread! Feel free to use this thread for questions, comments, recommendations, etc.

Like normal, please be careful with spoilers. I wrote a guide about spoilers in case you need a refresher on how to handle them (also linked in the sidebar).

  • Kadath (she/her)M
    37 months ago

    Since my busy period has ended, I honestly read too much stuff this week to catch up.

    One thing I would like to post is Hammer Gramps. Far from what I usually read, this has been a joy.

    The gist of it is that MC wants to become a magician, but the tuition cost is so high that he spends 50 years breaking rocks with a hammer to save money.

    I had to stop several times to wipe my eyes from the tears of me laughing too hard.
    It’s currently at 29 chapters and without any update since July, but looking at the release dates for all chapters this appears to be (sadly) normal.