Twitch political content creator HasanAbi is known for being an outspoken supporter of the Palestinians affected by the Israel-Gaza war. In 2023, the creator had raised over $1 million in funds aimed at providing medical aid to the Palestinians through a Twitch campaign.

Thus, it comes as no surprise that he did not hold back while sharing his views regarding the representation of “Palestinian casualties” in the DNC as compared to the representation being provided to Israeli victims and families. Streaming from a room allotted to him within the convention, he said:

“In terms of like literally only having Israeli victims and their family members be held into question, while Palestinian and pro-Palestinian people are getting fking beaten out, okay?.. The delegates themselves that dare bring up the Palestinian casualties get fking booed, they get humiliated, they get kicked aside. It is f**king ridiculous.”

“But the fact that, after all of the commitment that the democratic party has given to the Israeli government to just basically absolutely eviscerate entire Palestinian families with American-made bombs that they can’t even f**king have a Palestinian person, an individual with family members, come and speak in this similar fashion is disgusting to me.”

  • @givesomefucks
    324 days ago

    Yeah. There’s no good source, just stuff from video game websites?

    And the only person saying he was kicked out, is him…

    Apparently he got involved in a shouting match with another person protesting for Gaza right before he was kicked out tho. So it’s entirely possible that got them both kicked out for causing a disturbance. Or he’s a typical streamer, didn’t want to stay. So lied and said he was booted to get engagement.

    The guy himself doesn’t even to be saying he got kicked out for his position on Gaza. It’s all “some people are saying this might be the reason”.

    But running around with a camera and getting in a shouting match sounds more likely reason than his political views. And streamers as a group tend to assume everyone knows who they are immediately so anyone that has an issue with them fucking with people on a Livestream are trying to silence their views.

    That’s what gets viewers, and that’s all most streamers care about.

    • @LinkerbaanOP
      24 days ago

      You claim to value good sources so much 1 day ago and proceed to show up and make stuff up.

      Hasanabi got kicked out after this tweet.

      • @givesomefucks
        124 days ago

        And streamers as a group tend to assume everyone knows who they are immediately so anyone that has an issue with them fucking with people on a Livestream are trying to silence their views.

        I’m going to assume that wasn’t the only tweet critical.of the DNC, and that this person who makes his living off people watching his streams makes a lot of tweets.

        Like, if ever hour I say “Zeus, reward me for my loyalty” and i win $5 on a scratch off lotto ticket, it’s not because I said “Zeus, reward me for my loyalty” if it was, then it would have happened after I said it once.

        He was there for 2 full days, are you implying for those two days he didn’t make a single social media post complaining about the DNC and/or Kamala isn’t doing enough to stop the genocide?

          • @TrickDacy
            224 days ago

            but you know what they say about those pesky Youtube videos.

            They’re made a specific length, longer than makes any sense for their content, to sell ads while allowing unentertaining people without talent to skate by in the modern world by exploiting people’s gullibliity, fears and biases, for profit?

      • @TrickDacy
        -124 days ago

        I know you have a hard time imagining this, but some people aren’t terminally online and basing their every waking thought around the latest posts. Namely people running the DNC.

        But yeah, something something TrickDacy and his AlTs!!1 lol like I would spend hours just to criticize and downvote horseshit that already got loads of negative engagement before I ever notice it. In your mind I see one of your posts, already with 20 negative votes, and then rush to my computer where I have installed twenty different web browsers all logged into different fake accounts I made just to downvote and comment on your bullshit and then spend an hour per post doing so. That’s fucking rich dude. Delusional.