• go $fsck yourself
    17 days ago

    Deleted comment:

    I called them out for not following their own community rules:

    Please be nice to other members. Anyone not being nice will be banned. Keep it fun, respectful and just be awesome to each other.

    and they deleted their account.

    • @MonkeyDatabase
      17 days ago

      What was wrong with them removing your comment? You were being annoying 🤷‍♂️

      Their response seemed perfectly measured to someone being needlessly pedantic.

      Edit: And also Shuts down? Did you miss the ‘down’? Was the title edited after the fact? What does the rest of that modlog say? The screenshot is cropped.

      My perspective is you were being annoying, got downvoted/called out, feigned shock, got your comments removed, and now you’re on a bitter smear campaign.

      This is the weakest accusation of mod abuse I’ve seen. Good grief.

      • Lvxferre
        17 days ago

        Yes, their comment was extremely annoying, both in tone (whining) and content (TL;DR: “pls spoonfeed me basic reading comprehension”). If the mod simply removed the comment, or issued an official warning, it would be 100% warranted.

        However, what the non-mod user is saying ITT about moderator abuse is still spot on. The mod in question answered to the whining in tone, tried to cover their own arse with content removal, and then went to whine in Mastodon about the events, or the fact that there’s transparency functionality in Lemmy (the mod log) against the exact same behaviour that they showed there.

        So it’s a case where both sides were wrong but given their relative positions the mod being wrong is a bigger deal.

        • @MonkeyDatabase
          17 days ago

          I agree with you, but what does a moderator do once they engage with the user other than remove the whole interaction? They deleted the whole thread, not just their opposition.

          Seems like the the whining on mastadon about transparency was more because this guy is following them around harrassing them via public modlog screenshots, when on any other forum it wouldn’t even matter… unless it actually mattered.

          In this situation, my view is OP made a mess, pissed jannie added to the mess, OP feigned shock, pissed jannie thought better and cleaned the mess up.

          Yet OP here is still trying to stir the pot like the mod was silencing their opinion or something. It was a worthless comment.

          edit: oh my god he’s been copypasting this for months LMAO I’m done. God.

          • Lvxferre
            617 days ago

            I agree with you, but what does a moderator do once they engage with the user other than remove the whole interaction?

            You think before engaging. And if you fuck it up, you apologise to the community (not to that specific user) for what you’ve done wrong. But unless the content is sensitive (for example, the other user posted something illegal), you keep it alone, at most you lock it.

            • @MonkeyDatabase
              317 days ago

              Lemmy is too small and this snafoo is so pointless that I think a community apology would be hilarious.

              I think the punishment should fit the crime. Having some weirdo follow your posts around calling you manipulative and toxic for months is just… its too much. It’s a linux gaming forum, some social ineptitude is to be expected. Users shouldn’t feel entitled to continuously attack a mod who “mod abused” them with the assault equivalent of a light shove.

              It’s just the most insulated privileged non-problem, my god.

              • Lvxferre
                117 days ago

                Lemmy is too small and this snafoo is so pointless that I think a community apology would be hilarious.

                It doesn’t need to be something fancy. Just an “EDIT: I apologise to the community for sounding abrasive. I’m a mod here so my behaviour should be better than that, my bad.” I think that it’s important because users take moderators of their respective communities as role models on how they’re allowed/disallowed to behave, so if the mod doesn’t at least mention that they fucked it up, other users might see it and think “OK, that’s valid behaviour here, even the mod does it. Time to go rogue.”

                I think the punishment should fit the crime. Having some weirdo follow your posts around calling you manipulative and toxic for months is just… its too much.

                Yup, full agree with that. And based on interactions with the user in this thread, they’re being clearly disingenuous, mincing words to play the victim. The mod was in the wrong but that’s, as you said, too much.

                • @MonkeyDatabase
                  517 days ago

                  100% Yeah you’re right. I was imagining a public apology An edit is appropriate. Still, this dude puts socker players to shame with how he cries foul.

          • go $fsck yourself
            -1417 days ago

            Seems like the the whining on mastadon about transparency was more because this guy is following them around harrassing them via public modlog screenshots

            Baseless accusation. Got any proof?

              • go $fsck yourself
                -917 days ago

                Then based on that logic you’re harassing me. You can’t even follow your own logic.

                • @MonkeyDatabase
                  817 days ago

                  Sure, based on that logic, I’m harrassing you…for a day.

                  Not the 3 months you’ve been going for.

                  • go $fsck yourself
                    -617 days ago

                    Me: occasionally brings up information for people to be aware of whenever I happen to see the website linked.

                    You: constantly tries to berate me with terrible logic and even admits to harassment.

                    Yep. Totally the same.

          • Lvxferre
            116 days ago

            I’d probably issue an official warning, then see how the poster reacts. I feel like 1d bans are mostly useful when you got the flamewar already going on, between two otherwise contributive members, and you need them to chill their heads.

            That’s up to mod style though. It’s possible that your approach works better than mine, dunno, I almost never rely on short bans.

        • go $fsck yourself
          -817 days ago

          Yes, their comment was extremely annoying, both in tone (whining) and content (TL;DR: “pls spoonfeed me basic reading comprehension”). If the guy simply removed the comment, or issued an official warning, it would be 100% warranted.

          It’s your right to have an opinion on whether or not you think I was annoying. However, the rest of that is just wrong and needlessly rude. My comment was only to point out how many different ways the title could be interpreted without being explicit in what happened. There is no need to be so rude with your wild assumption. I just found the title to be mildly frustrating due to being vague because of the missing word, and I thought I would express that. Does that warrant moderation action? No. It breaks no rules and there was no intent to be disrespectful, nor is there any real tangible proof of any disrespectful intent.

          • Echo Dot
            2017 days ago

            I absolutely agree with you but it didn’t really need to be said did it?

            You 100% understood what the title was saying, so complaining that the title was ambiguous, and barely so, was pointless wasn’t it?

            Clearly everyone else agreed since you were downvoted.

            • go $fsck yourself
              -1017 days ago

              I don’t agree with you, but you can think all you want about how annoying or pointless my comment was. That is no excuse for their response, then they doubled down and tried to hide it by abusing their moderator powers. That’s the only part of this that matters.

              • Echo Dot
                417 days ago

                No it wasn’t, but perhaps you could admit that your behavior did have a little bit to do with the response. It wasn’t totally out of the blue was it, and you were equally in violation of the sub’s rules.

                • go $fsck yourself
                  116 days ago

                  I made no claims about my comment being perfect. I meant no disrespect or anything, even though I didn’t articulate myself perfectly to display that. Making a comment about an article’s title does not break any rules.

                  But none of that is the point here. Moderators are held at the very least the same standard as anyone else. As a moderator, they handled such a mild situation very poorly and lashed out, which is already evidence of being unfit to be a moderator. After being downvoted a handful of times they deleted their comment. Then later deleted my comments to even further hide it. My comments broke no rules. Someone else asked what happened and I responded with an answer of the situation, and they deleted that comment as well. They were absolutely abusing their admin to hide their embarrassment.

                • Echo Dot
                  617 days ago

                  This truly is the most non-drama I’ve ever seen. Everyone involved is behaving like a complete moron over literally nothing at all.

                • go $fsck yourself
                  -617 days ago

                  Your argument is “they only committed a little bit of mod abuse. You need to let it go!”

                  • @MonkeyDatabase
                    317 days ago

                    They sarcastically replied to you and then removed the whole thread. Not just your reply

                    3 months ago.

                    Toughen up.

          • Lvxferre
            617 days ago

            I could write a full wall of text explaining everything wrong with your comment, but to keep it short:

            Cut off the crap. You aren’t fooling anyone here by playing the victim.

      • @[email protected]
        2417 days ago

        Pointlessly snarky comments are one of the worst parts of Reddit and Lemmy and I fully support mods putting a stop to that. I guess the important part is to be transparent about it

        • @A_Random_Idiot
          16 days ago

          But if it was transparent you wouldnt be able to see it

          Now that I’ve willfully misrepresented what you said, I am eager for your reply so i can pointlessly be an asshole about it!


      • go $fsck yourself
        17 days ago

        “Annoying” is subjective, and there is no rule against being perceived as being “annoying” in the community rules.

        The only rule is to be respectful, which they did not follow at all, then tried to hide it.

        Response to edit: yes, it was edited after it was brought up. The modlog is public, there’s no need for me to try to hide anything like they tried to do. If you’re going to try to give me shit for that, why do they get a free pass?

        • @MonkeyDatabase
          817 days ago

          Nothing they did appears to have negatively altered the quality of the comments or discussion.

          Respect is also subjective. Your initial post seemed to be mocking and disrespectful for no apparent reason. I’d argue the comment section is more respectful with your remarks gone.

          Objectively, it appears they were right to delete their account. You’re stalking posts mentioning their site and complaining about this nothing burger.

          I would also distance myself from pedantic harrassers and focus on literally anything else productive if I were them.

          • go $fsck yourself
            -917 days ago

            Are you Liam in disguise or something? Why are you trying to make up shit like I’m “stalking” posts mentioning their site? I’m a user of Lemmy just the same as anyone else and when I see posts that bring up this toxic person’s site, I can easily help inform people of their gross manipulative behavior.

            • @MonkeyDatabase
              1317 days ago

              There isn’t even some grand “toxic” or “manipulative” coverup. The mod deleted the whole interaction because it was pointless and rude from both of you. It added nothing.

              The jannie took out the trash and you’re still harrassing them about the subjectivity of annoyance and respect. Y’know who makes that subjective choice? The mods.

              I have no ties to this, but I am in opposition to this neat little narrative you appear to be creating tossing out buzzwords like toxic, gross, manipulative without evidence to back it up.

              • go $fsck yourself
                -317 days ago

                I’ve provided plenty of evidence, and there is more to be found if you feel like you need it. Do you really expect me to provide an exhausting dissertation on every single detail of the situation? I provided just enough to back up my claims. If you feel you need more, that’s on you and it’s available for you to find. That does not warrant your baseless accusations.

        • @MonkeyDatabase
          517 days ago

          You’re definitely right. But without any sort of context, just the screengrab with the title corrected, it makes OPs rant seem even more pointless.

          It could have been one word if they were genuinely confused: “…Shuts?”

          Or if they were smart enough to realize it was an error:

          “There’s a word missing…”

      • @[email protected]
        117 days ago

        Whether you consider it whining, depends upon the tone you read it in.

        I just read that comment and didn’t feel annoyed enough to even give a downvote and the mod’s reply seemed far too annoying.

        The username on the other hand…

    • @[email protected]
      1917 days ago

      Thanks! Not quite as wild as I was expecting (kind of surprised this was enough to push them to delete their account)

      • go $fsck yourself
        17 days ago

        Mod abuse is mod abuse, regardless of the level. They clearly felt embarrassed for needlessly being mean and getting caught for it after trying to hide the fact.

        Then they tried to excuse it on their mastodon.

        If they’re willing to go through all that for something so minor, they would absolutely be willing to do the same to hide worse behavior.

      • @[email protected]
        316 days ago

        Probably decided “fuck this” and quit volunteering instead of dealing with drama llamas.

    • @Zess
      1317 days ago

      Not gonna lie he was right about the shuts thing. It’s not a common phrasing but totally legit and you did seem kinda dickish when you pointed it out.

      • go $fsck yourself
        617 days ago

        Pointing something out is not inherently being a dick. It did not warrant the response, particularly a response that clearly breaks the rules of the community they were trusted with the responsibility to manage.

        • @Zess
          1117 days ago

          It was snarky. Some people interpret it as rudeness. He’s still a shithead for sure.

          • go $fsck yourself
            317 days ago

            No snark was intended, but I can see why people could interpret it poorly. I won’t claim to be perfect at communicating over Lemmy comments.