• @stoly
    521 days ago

    lol lol that’s bs. You support your candidate or you support the opposition. I’m winner take all contests, you have to avoid distractions.

    What you are talking about can occur specifically during primary elections.

    • @[email protected]
      -218 days ago

      And that’s why there are two pieces of shit to choose from, because nobody will ever hold their fucking politicians accountable. As they keep getting rewarded for bad behavior they keep getting worse.

    • @return2ozmaOP
      -421 days ago

      Politicians work for the people. We’re their boss. They don’t just get a pass because.

      • @stoly
        421 days ago

        K but it sure sounds like you want Trump.

        • @return2ozmaOP
          -421 days ago

          I’m not a Dem or GOP. I’m registered No Party Preference and I’m far left. If you’re a Dem, you’re closer on the political spectrum to Trump than I.

            • @return2ozmaOP
              -321 days ago

              Nah, Tulsi is a grifter piece of shit. She’s very anti-war but is she sincere about it? Doesn’t seem like it anymore.