• @Rapidcreek
    19 days ago

    For those keeping track, Trumpers have now picked fights with:

    -the US Army

    -Bud Light

    -the NFL

    -Taylor Swift

    • @EvilBit
      6319 days ago

      You dropped these:

      • women
      • LGBTQ+
      • persons of color
      • the rest of the military
      • Capitol police
      • atheists
      • the childless
      • education
      • people who like cats
      • literally not being mean to people
      • school lunches for poor children
      • Gillette
      • nonviolence
      • democracy
      • the rule of law

      The fact that they even have double digit vote share is a sign that actual merit is low on the list of criteria in politics.

      • @mohammed_alibi
        919 days ago

        Don’t forget (covered by “the rest of the military”) but still needs to be called out:

        • P.O.W.s
        • Medal of Honor recipients
        • Gold Star families
      • @auzy
        419 days ago

        You forgot the ex Australian prime Minister too

        • @EvilBit
          319 days ago

          And most of Europe. Look, it’s not a comprehensive list, okay?

        • @EvilBit
          719 days ago

          “Woke” is basically “not being a raging dick to people”. They can’t ever define it because basically any real definition of the term makes them look incredibly bad.

          • oh yeah, makes sense.

            I’ve had my bad experiences in the past with people you’d typically call “woke”, namely I’ve had a person tell me that I couldn’t use the german word “Digga” because it sounded too close to “nigga”. (I am not making this up.)

            But I am very well aware that this isn’t what the MAGA crowd means when they call someone “woke” and that there are militants in every group (looking at you, c/vegan). So yeah, your explanation makes sense. Thanks for explaining :)

            • @EvilBit
              319 days ago

              There’s obviously such a thing as taking it too far, but yeah “anything I don’t like is woke” is more their play.

      • @Tyfud
        319 days ago

        Wait, what happened with Gillette? How the fuck do you pick a fight with a company that literally sells razor blades and not expect to get cut?

    • @[email protected]
      619 days ago

      In just this last 24 hour news cycle, you can add wind (which causes people not to eat bacon) and sleeping on the beach while on vacation (Biden). Trump is a deeply weird dude.